【禁聞】大陸水資源受害已深 評:習李難救


上週五,美國「有線電視新聞網(CNN)」專欄「吉米的中國(Jaime's China)」發表「習近平要做的事之一:解決中國的飲水問題」,再度挑起中國水資源問題的議論。作者Jaime A. FlorCruz與一群專家們討論了這個話題,大家都認為,中國的水危機看起來很嚴峻。中國水資源遭到極度浪費與生態的破壞問題,確實是極待即將上任的中國領導人解決的問題之一。










CCP’s New Leaders And China’s Damaged Water Resources

During the last 30 years of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
authorities’ economic development,
China’s environment and resources, especially water
resources have been greatly damaged.
China has been criticized constantly for this.

After the CCP 18th Congress, it is estimated that one of the
key issues CCP’s new leaders Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang need to resolve is the quality of the drinking water.
However, there commentators think
this is a problem difficult to solve.

Last Friday, CNN’s column Jaime’s China published,

“One of the Things Xi Jinping Needs to Do Is to Solve
China’s Drinking Water Problem.”
It once again raised the issue of China’s drinking water.
Jaime A. FlorCruz and a group of experts discussed this topic.
They all believe China's water crisis looks grim.

One of the problems the new leaders need to resolve is the
extreme waste of water resources and ecological destruction.

China’s political and social observer Dai Qing pointed out,
officials only talk about caring for the environment.
Environment protection only cost money, not make money,
nor increase GDP, thus officials don’t benefit from protecting the environment.
Dai Qing said in fact nobody takes environmental protection
truly seriously.
Due to the unclear definition of environment and resources,
whoever gets hold of power can use the resources for free.

Dai Qing: “As long as people cannot effectively supervise
China's political system and economic system, the first victim is always resources and the environment.
I was very pessimistic when a lot of people had hopes
on China's political reform and China's future.
Though China might change after the 18th or 19th Congress,
it is very hard to keep China's environment and resources.”

CNN’s report pointed that China's rapid economic growth
is based on consumption of the environment.
CCP officials investigated water resource issues, such as

China's Water Resources Management System Construction
High-Level Roundtable held in Beijing in April.

Sichuan senior engineer, geology and water conservancy
expert Fan Xiao analyses that China’s agricultural irrigation is mainly flood irrigation, so water consumption is high.
However, most of the major agricultural production areas
have an adequate rainfall.

Fan Xiao: “Our mode of water consumption is extensive.

To expand the irrigation areas using this mode
will of course lead to insufficient water resource.
Now China' industrial, agricultural, living water consumption
indicators are very high, higher than the world average.
So there are human factors
causing shortage of water.”

In addition urban areas
expanded rapidly in the last 10 years.
Fan Xiao believes that launching many development zones,
high water consumption and high energy-consuming projects are already beyond normal economic development.

Fan Xiao: “There is an environmental capacity,
and a water capacity.
Unrealistic development is at the expense
of the environment.
It may be beneficial to a small number of people,
but not good to the majority of the people.”

Deputy director of CCP National Development and Reform
Commission, Du Ying, also mentioned this issue in his article.
While China suffers from water shortage,
China’s water usage efficiency is not high.
China still follows the model of "supply based on demand,”
which is neither realistic nor conforms to the economics laws or scientific concepts.

Fan Xiao pointed out that the fundamental issue of China's
water resources is CCP officials’ ideas and concepts.
He said that since 1949, China had made unprecedented
amounts of investment in water conservancy projects.
But those projects were simply moving water resources
using engineering means,
rather than using limited water resources, adapting to nature,
and developing an orderly scientific model.
Driven by interests, water can’t meet the blind development
needs of the CCP officials.