「六•四」學生領袖之一 唐柏橋:「十八大一結束以後,整個國際社會包括國內的一些原來對共產黨給予厚望的一些改革的一些公共知識份子,基本上是一邊倒的認為,中共改革沒有希望了。」
「六•四」人士 鄭存柱﹕「之前一直說『平反六•四』,『平反六•四』,都是把『六•四』 認為是中國政府或共產黨做錯了一件事情,讓他們主動來進行更正。唐柏橋先生的舉動從另外一個角度,我們不要求政府來更正、共產黨來更正,我們認為他們犯了罪,或者從法律上對他們追究。」
採訪/田淨 編輯/宋風 後製/王明宇
Main Culprits of 6.4 Massacre be Sued Next Month
Tang Baiqiao, a leader of the 6.4 pro-democracy student
movement of 1989, held a press conference on Dec. 2 in New York.
Tang announced to take legal action against Li Peng,
Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime.
Li Peng and Jiang Zemin were both main culprits who
dominated the 6.4 Massacre.
The action was announced soon after the CCP 18th congress,
which has quickly aroused public attentions.
On the press conference, Tang Baiqiao said that he and
other several witnesses of the 6.4 Massacre
would sue Li Peng, Jiang Zemin and the CCP regime.
Tang Baiqiao explained that Deng Xiaoping, Yang Shangkun,
and Li Peng were all main culprits of the 6.4 Massacre.
As Deng and Yang have died, Li Peng would thus be
brought to justice.
On June 4, 1989, Jiang Zemin has taken over as CCP
The subsequent persecutions of the pro-democracy activists
all occurred during Jiang's tenure.
That is why Jiang would be prosecuted, says Tang Baiqiao.
Tang Baiqiao comments that at the 18th Party Congress,
the CCP labeled the road of democracy as “an evil road”.
This needs external forces to advance social change in China.
Tang said that suing CCP regime and culprits is not only to
seek justice for the victims of the 6.4 Massacre.
It also encourages other victim groups to defend themselves
and protest CCP rule in the form of “non-violent non-cooperation”.
The more people join in, the more powerful the force of
social change, and the quicker it will succeed.
Tang Baiqiao: "After the CCP 18th congress, we've seen
an overwhelming view of the international community.
This includes some public intellectuals who had given
high hopes for the CCP.
Basically, they all believed that there'll be little expectation
of CCP's reforms.”
Involving the 1989 pro-democracy student movement,
Tang Baiqiao formed Hunan Autonomous Association of College Students.
He was later sentenced to three years in jail for crime of
"counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement ".
Zheng Cunzhu, an activist of 6.4 pro-democracy movements,
The 6.4 Massacre is a blood-debt that the CCP cannot ignore.
The CCP will definitely bring to justice.
Zheng Cunzhu: “In the past, the public have always
talked to demand “vindication of the June 4th”.
This was based on the thought that the CCP was wrong
in committing the 6.4 Massacre and people expect it to redress.
Now, Mr. Tang's action is saying that we don't demand
CCP's correction, instead, we'll take legal action against it.”
Tang Baiqiao said that families of Jiang Zemin and Li Peng
have owned assets worth at least US$ 1 billion or as high as US$10 billion or even more.
If each plaintiff claims civil compensation of US$1 million,
that's a total of US$100 million, a punishment for their evil doings.
Tang Baiqiao revealed that his action has gotten
worldwide responses immediately.
In a couple of days, dozens of people have joined in.
Tang hoped for more people's participation in the suitor team.
Tang Baiqiao, the initiator, is now coordinating to form
a lawyer team.
The lawsuit will be filed in January 2013, which Tang has
full confidence to win.
Days ago, the financial annual meeting of “2013: Forecast
and Strategy” was held in Beijing.
The attendees consisted of hundreds of Chinese and foreign
economic scholars and lots of CCP senior officials.
Sun Liping, who mentored Xi Jinping's doctoral study,
gave a speech.
Sun said that today's China is completely against
the rule of law.
The CCP regime can legislate to do evil for its
“stability preservation”.
Sun indicated that mass protests have continued to erupt
across China, including strikes and riots.
"A quiet revolution has been taking place," he warned.
The most direct manifestation is that “civilians are hard to
be governed, and they don't trust the government's words.”
Tang Baiqiao: "China's situation cannot tolerate CCP's
lawlessness to continue.
This includes continual moral decline, intensified corruption,
widening rich-poor gap, environmental ruin, and so on.
Conflicts of all aspects have reached a critical point.
Even Xi Jinping's mentor Sun Liping has sent warnings that
if the CCP remain unchanged, it may face demise five years later."
Hu Ping, chief editor of Beijing Spring magazine,
recently commented in an article.
He said the biggest failure for the Chinese nation in modern
history is that China's regime was seized by the CCP.
During its reign, the CCP killed tens of millions of Chinese
people including numerous elites.
「六•四」學生領袖之一 唐柏橋:「十八大一結束以後,整個國際社會包括國內的一些原來對共產黨給予厚望的一些改革的一些公共知識份子,基本上是一邊倒的認為,中共改革沒有希望了。」
「六•四」人士 鄭存柱﹕「之前一直說『平反六•四』,『平反六•四』,都是把『六•四』 認為是中國政府或共產黨做錯了一件事情,讓他們主動來進行更正。唐柏橋先生的舉動從另外一個角度,我們不要求政府來更正、共產黨來更正,我們認為他們犯了罪,或者從法律上對他們追究。」
採訪/田淨 編輯/宋風 後製/王明宇
Main Culprits of 6.4 Massacre be Sued Next Month
Tang Baiqiao, a leader of the 6.4 pro-democracy student
movement of 1989, held a press conference on Dec. 2 in New York.
Tang announced to take legal action against Li Peng,
Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime.
Li Peng and Jiang Zemin were both main culprits who
dominated the 6.4 Massacre.
The action was announced soon after the CCP 18th congress,
which has quickly aroused public attentions.
On the press conference, Tang Baiqiao said that he and
other several witnesses of the 6.4 Massacre
would sue Li Peng, Jiang Zemin and the CCP regime.
Tang Baiqiao explained that Deng Xiaoping, Yang Shangkun,
and Li Peng were all main culprits of the 6.4 Massacre.
As Deng and Yang have died, Li Peng would thus be
brought to justice.
On June 4, 1989, Jiang Zemin has taken over as CCP
The subsequent persecutions of the pro-democracy activists
all occurred during Jiang's tenure.
That is why Jiang would be prosecuted, says Tang Baiqiao.
Tang Baiqiao comments that at the 18th Party Congress,
the CCP labeled the road of democracy as “an evil road”.
This needs external forces to advance social change in China.
Tang said that suing CCP regime and culprits is not only to
seek justice for the victims of the 6.4 Massacre.
It also encourages other victim groups to defend themselves
and protest CCP rule in the form of “non-violent non-cooperation”.
The more people join in, the more powerful the force of
social change, and the quicker it will succeed.
Tang Baiqiao: "After the CCP 18th congress, we've seen
an overwhelming view of the international community.
This includes some public intellectuals who had given
high hopes for the CCP.
Basically, they all believed that there'll be little expectation
of CCP's reforms.”
Involving the 1989 pro-democracy student movement,
Tang Baiqiao formed Hunan Autonomous Association of College Students.
He was later sentenced to three years in jail for crime of
"counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement ".
Zheng Cunzhu, an activist of 6.4 pro-democracy movements,
The 6.4 Massacre is a blood-debt that the CCP cannot ignore.
The CCP will definitely bring to justice.
Zheng Cunzhu: “In the past, the public have always
talked to demand “vindication of the June 4th”.
This was based on the thought that the CCP was wrong
in committing the 6.4 Massacre and people expect it to redress.
Now, Mr. Tang's action is saying that we don't demand
CCP's correction, instead, we'll take legal action against it.”
Tang Baiqiao said that families of Jiang Zemin and Li Peng
have owned assets worth at least US$ 1 billion or as high as US$10 billion or even more.
If each plaintiff claims civil compensation of US$1 million,
that's a total of US$100 million, a punishment for their evil doings.
Tang Baiqiao revealed that his action has gotten
worldwide responses immediately.
In a couple of days, dozens of people have joined in.
Tang hoped for more people's participation in the suitor team.
Tang Baiqiao, the initiator, is now coordinating to form
a lawyer team.
The lawsuit will be filed in January 2013, which Tang has
full confidence to win.
Days ago, the financial annual meeting of “2013: Forecast
and Strategy” was held in Beijing.
The attendees consisted of hundreds of Chinese and foreign
economic scholars and lots of CCP senior officials.
Sun Liping, who mentored Xi Jinping's doctoral study,
gave a speech.
Sun said that today's China is completely against
the rule of law.
The CCP regime can legislate to do evil for its
“stability preservation”.
Sun indicated that mass protests have continued to erupt
across China, including strikes and riots.
"A quiet revolution has been taking place," he warned.
The most direct manifestation is that “civilians are hard to
be governed, and they don't trust the government's words.”
Tang Baiqiao: "China's situation cannot tolerate CCP's
lawlessness to continue.
This includes continual moral decline, intensified corruption,
widening rich-poor gap, environmental ruin, and so on.
Conflicts of all aspects have reached a critical point.
Even Xi Jinping's mentor Sun Liping has sent warnings that
if the CCP remain unchanged, it may face demise five years later."
Hu Ping, chief editor of Beijing Spring magazine,
recently commented in an article.
He said the biggest failure for the Chinese nation in modern
history is that China's regime was seized by the CCP.
During its reign, the CCP killed tens of millions of Chinese
people including numerous elites.