【禁聞】習近平軍服登戰車 欲強軍備戰








今年(2012年)的 12月 13號是「南京大屠殺」75週年紀念日,南京舉辦了各種紀念活動,同時中國海監巡航飛機首次到釣魚島上空盤旋。







採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/肖顏

Xi Jinping Wants to Build a Strong Army

Xi Jinping, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) new
General Secretary and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, started to do visits in the country.
Recently, in addition to his ‘southern tour,’
Xi also inspected the military Guangzhou Theatre.
He personally boarded the warships, military vehicles,
and observed a live ammunition drill.
He also stressed on the ‘three points to keep in mind,’
to ensure the army can ‘be called and come at any instant, come and be able to fight, fight and be sure to win.’
Xi's war rhetoric has attracted
wide attention. Let's take a look.

According to CCP media' reports, Xi was in Guangzhou
Theatre on the 8th and 10th of December.
He inspected a few sites, including
the ‘Haikou’ ship in South China Sea Fleet,
the 42 Group Army, the Guangzhou Military Area offices,
and met the leading cadres in Shenzhen and Zhuhai.
Xi boarded the deck and military vehicle, went into cabins,
looked at the equipment and facilities,
observed live ammunition drill,
and talked with soldiers at basic level during lunch.

Xi specially pointed out when meeting top cadres there,
that they need to achieve great revival of the Chinese nation.
And that this dream is a dream for a strong nation,
and for the army, this is a dream for a strong army.
He pointed out ‘to adhere to the standards of war,
to push forward the preparations of military struggles;’
to continue strengthening the soldiers' perception of
‘soldiers for war, troops for war, military training for war.’

Xi's inspection was accompanied by Politburo members, like
Fan Changlong, Wang huning, Wang Yang, Li Zhanshu, etc..

On December 13, Hong Kong's Ta Kung Pao published
a commentary on the new China's leader visits.
They said, from a ‘dream of a strong nation,’
Xi's inspection turned into ‘the dream of a strong army,’
making it ‘nothing more than a demonstration
of resoluteness to safeguard the South China Sea.’
However, Financial Times said that Xi's speech
had more ‘nationalism’ than the ones of his predecessor,
which ‘kind of words make the countries who have territorial
disputes with China such as Vietnam and Japan feel uneasy.’

Zhang Jiulian (political commentator): “Usually after the new
CCP leaders take power, internal party issues are adjusted.
But on general external diplomacy, like Tibet, South China
Sea, Diaoyu Islands, etc., they will not make concessions.
Because is they relax on these issues, it may affect domestic
moods, so the new leader generally would show toughness.”

Zhang said, Xi's southern tour is to build his populist image
of a reformist, and at the same time to show a tough stance.

December 13, marked the 75th anniversary
of the Nanjing Massacre.
Nanjing organized a variety of activities, and meanwhile
the Chinese maritime surveillance aircrafts hovered over the Diaoyu Islands for the first time.

At the same time, CCP mouthpiece Xinhua said on Dec. 13,
that the vice Deputy of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee,
Li Chuncheng is suspected in serious disciplinary offenses,
and has been removed from his position.
He was elected as the CCP Central Committee alternate
member in last month's 18 CCP congress.
He is also the first vice-ministerial official,
who was handled after the 18 congress.

Wen Zhao (political commentator): “No matter if it is to
inspect the army, show a tough stance in South China Sea,
set off an anti-corruption storm, or take down some officials,

the purpose is to establish the power of this authority group,
it is all about showing a strong hold.”

Wen Zhao also pointed out that the CCP is currently facing
unprecedented political and economic crisis.
Thus they have to build the new leadership' prestige quickly,
to let the new leader show his strengths.

During the inspection, Xi stressed
on the 'three points to keep in mind.'
He said, ‘at any time, under any circumstances,
firmly listen to the party, follow the party,’
ensure that the army can ‘be called and come at any instant,
come and be able to fight, fight and be sure to win.’

Zhang Jiulian: “The CCP has always been about the party
commands the guns, so he (Xi) has to reaffirm this.
Besides, Hu Jintao has given up completely
the military power, transferring it to Xi.
Thus Xi has to use this opportunity to show the military
that he has the power, and publish some instructions to build his own reputation in the army.”

However, Zhang reminded that Jiang Zemin gave the army
special benefits, built the army as an independent kingdom, and made the army the most corrupted area in the CCP.
And that now CCP' army has big problems with its combat
effectiveness, which cannot be solved just by Xi's slogans.