



報告撰寫人卡爾博士(Dev Kar)指出,中國經濟如同一枚定時炸彈,在資本外逃規模如此巨大的狀況下,中國的社會、政治和經濟秩序將是不可持續的。

十萬聯署 抵制《新聞聯播》









China Leads in GFI Report on Illicit Outflows

On December 18, Global Financial
Integrity (GFI) released a report.
It stated that, from 2001 to 2010, developing
countries lost US$6 trillion to illicit outflows.
China has the highest outflows, with
US$2.74 Trillion, and accounting for 47% of the total.
The report said the capital outflows stem from crime,
corruption, tax evasion and other illicit activity.

The report stated, Asia accounts for 61.2%,
and is the worst region for illicit Capital outflows.
The main problem countries include China,
Malaysia, the Philippines, India and Indonesia.
In addition, Mexico, Russia and
Nigeria are also included in the top 10.

The author of the report Dr. Dev Kar said that,
“the Chinese economy is a ticking time bomb.
The social, political, and economic order is not sustainable
in the long-run, given such massive illicit outflows.”

100,000 Signatures Collected Against China Central TV program

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece
China Central TV's “News Network” program has
acted as a propaganda tool for brainwashing over the
past several decades, and was condemned by the public.
Netizens often sent some mocking
“News Network” posts on Internet.

On December 18, lawyer Ding Haiyang in Beijing
Tianru Law Firm posted on a microblog.
It said that on same day, he used his real name
to launch a campaign to against this program.
100,000 signatures had been collected.

Since the post was sent out, it won the support
of many netizens', and many comments followed.
He launched a “viewer rate” voting event for “News Network”,
and in a few hours, more than 700 people had participated.

Zheng Fuhong, Chairman of Borg Management
Consulting Co. Ltd also posted his support.
Zheng said that the reason to resist the program is that the
program spent tax payer's money, but didn't speak for them.
The program neither reflects people's will, but deceives
them; nor is it rational, as it only shows the CCP mentality.

Three Chongqing Men Have Labor Camp Sentences Cancelled

On December 17, Radio Free Asia reported that

Huang Chengcheng, Dai Yuequan and Lin Yongliang
in Chongqing had been jailed for “improper speech”.
The authorities cancelled their labor camp
sentences claiming the case was “mishandled”.
The three men were released, but police
warned them not to speak or act out.
However, all three of them said they didn't break the law,
and the excuse of “mishandling” shouldn't be used.
They decided to appeal to the courts.

In February 2010, Huang Chengcheng was
sentenced for 2 years in jail due to chatting on the Internet, and mentioned a drink of “Jasmine tea”.
In May this year, when Dai Yuequan appealed in Beijing,
he accepted an interview by a French reporter.
This led to a 15 month jail sentence.