【禁聞】換屆會期敲定 習近平有效權力多大



這顯示,中共「十八大」宣佈「裸退」的胡錦濤,將在2013年十二屆全國人大一次會議上徹底退位,習近平將接任中共國家主席一職,執政黨政軍大權。此外,李克強也將接任國務院總理一職,溫家寶將 「歸隱山林」,中共其餘5名政治局常委中的3人,也將分別就任新職。「習李體制」正式啟動。












採訪編輯/常春 後製/陳建銘

How Much Power Does Xi Jinping Have?

The 12th National People's Congress (NPC) meeting
will be convened on March, 5th.
After Hu Jintao retires without strings attached and
Wen Jiabao quietly stays in the background,
the Hu-Wen regime has come to an end.

Just how much power has Xi Jinping, the new Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) leader, in his hands then?
Let’s look at the analysis from our station journalists.

The CCP’s state-owned mouthpiece,
Xinhua News Agency, reported that
on Dec. 28, "the thirtieth session of the
Standing Committee of the NPC finalized
the 12th NPC meeting being held in Beijing on March 5, 2013,
with the duration of two weeks.

This shows that Hu Jintao will completely retire in 2013,
during the 12th NPC meeting.
Xi Jinping will take over the post of CCP President,
and will control the party, government, and military.
In addition, Li Keqiang will be the successor to
Premier Wen Jiabao, who will retire at the same time.
Three of the remaining five Politburo Standing Committee
members will take up their new posts.
The "Xi-Li System" will officially begin.

Political commentator Lin Zixu said that obviously, two
“overlords”-- Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin” are above Xi Jinping.
Just how much effective power does Xi Jinping have then?

Political commentator Lin Zihu: "In recent days, Xi Jinping
issued the eight provisions for party members.
Jiang Zemin immediately did something to violate
the provisions as if he did not know them.
In addition, the previous patriarch of the CCP and the
princelings from different forces also possess power.
Thus, it is hard to imagine how effective Xi Jinping can be.”

According to a Hong Kong "Ming Pao" analysis, the
offspring of eight veteran officials has control of all state-owned assets.
They are omnipotent in the political arena and
almighty in economic sectors.
The biggest opponents for the fifth generation of
CCP leaders are not the “trouble making citizens” but the rich and powerful royal offspring.

The Taiwan”Central News Agency” reported that

the popular Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary
Wang Yang and the first State Councilor Liu Yandong
will have the opportunity to succeed Zhang Dejiang and
Wang Qishan and become Deputy Prime Ministers.
However, the Political Bureau Standing Committee member
Li Yuanchao, who was popular during the 18th Congress,
only becomes a member of the Politburo Committee.
His new duties are not yet certain.

Lin Zixu: "We can see that people like Wang Yang,
Li Yuanchao, and Liu Yandong,
fail to become members of the Standing Committee.

However, their popularity is still far better than that of
Zhang Gaoli and Liu Yunshan.
This means that the absolute authority of the Central
Politburo Standing Committee is likely to be broken.
In the last session of the Standing Committee,
Zhou Yongkang dared to disrespect Hu Jintao.
Thus, today, the Politburo Committee members
perhaps can ignore the weak Standing Committee members, such as Zhang Gaoli.”

Lin Zixu analyzed that within the CCP, the officials
are like loose sand in a bucket. Everyone has his own plan.

Lin Zixu: "Some people desperately want to run
to a foreign country; some try to seize power;
some want to acquire more wealth for the family
and still believe in the CCP;
some have given up hope towards the CCP and
are waiting for the right opportunities.”

However, it seems that some people had given up the
expectation of the Hu-Wen regime and now have no choice but to turn to the Xi-Li regime.

Chen Kuide, Executive Chairman of Princeton
Chinese Society, believes that
at the beginning of the "Hu -Wen system,”
they tried to bring a glimmer of hope to the people.
But, under the CCP’s powerful system,
they could not accomplish anything.
Chen Kuide hopes that Xi Jinping can
learn something from the past.

Chen Kuide: "It is impossible for this system to continue
to exist according to its original form.
Therefore, Xi Jinping has no choice but to make changes.

He must go forward, but the question now is
how much strength and wisdom he has.
Leading China into the mainstream of the world
which equips with a basic history of the track and order is a huge mission for him.
I hope that our leaders can recognize the trend.”

Chen Kuide thinks that making a fresh start to re-embark on
a new road requires a great deal of political courage and wisdom.
We'll wait and see whether Xi Jinping has
the courage and ability required for the task.