【禁聞】自焚白皮書 為甚麼西藏在燃燒?


28號,藏人行政中央發佈一份名為《為甚麼西藏在燃燒?》(Why Tibet is burning?)的白皮書,共有91頁,內容介紹藏區局勢和中國的治藏政策,也講述了2009年至今的自焚事件,並列出了自焚者名單。












採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

“Why is Tibet Burning?”

The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala,
India, released a report to explain the real reason behind
the Tibetan self-immolations incidents reported in China.

The report said that since 2009, nearly 100 Tibetans have
self-immolated to protest against rule of the CCP.
The CTA indicated that the CCP has always attributed
liability to exiled Tibetans and the CTA.
However, the international community, including senior EU
officials ,have always questioned the CCP's accusations.
They clearly stated that the main reason behind Tibetan
self-immolation is the regime's policy on Tibet.

On January 28, the CTA issued a White Paper,
titled “Why is Tibet burning?”
The 91 page document describes the situation
in Tibetan areas, and the CCP's policy on Tibet.
The report also covers self-immolation incidents that have
taken place since 2009, and lists the self-immolators' names.

The CTA said that the release of the report in English,
aims to unveil the truth behind the self-immolation incidents.
By revealing the reason behind these incidents and the
Tibetan's demands, the report aims to refute the CCP's distortion of facts, according to the CTA.

Dawa Tsering (Chairman, Tibet Religious Foundation):
“Over a period, the CCP sometimes censured the CTA, sometimes accusing the Dalai Lama.
Overseas forces were also blamed, and Lamaism
was labeled an evil cult.
In short, the CCP always attributes liability to other parties,
such as overseas or anti-China forces, and the like. This is the CCP's usual practice.”

The White Paper indicates that the main reason for
Tibetan self-immolation is the CCP's wrong policies on Tibet over the past 60 years.
The reasons are summarized as the following:
political oppression in Tibet, destruction of Tibetan culture,
social discrimination, economic exploitation,
environmental ruin.

Dawa Tsering says that apart from China,
there's no other force or group in the world,
that impedes the Tibetans to enjoy freedom of belief
and to learn their own language.
Dawa Tsering speculates that there are too many
political factors hidden behind the issue.

Dawa Tsering: "In 2008, Premier Wen Jiabao openly claimed

that the CCP has concrete evidence to prove that an
overseas Dalai clique incites resistance activities in Tibet.
But the regime has never demonstrated proof of these
allegations upon the international community's request."

Why doesn't the CCP dare to open Tibet to the world,
and what has happened there so far?
When will Tibetans self-immolation end
in protest against the CCP's brutal rule?

(Analyst on Tibet issue) Gongga Tashi: "When I'm asked
about this question, my answer is 'Don't ask me.'
Whether Tibetans self-immolation can be stopped or not
depends completely on the regime.
As Tibentans, we feel sad to see continuous
suicide taking place among our fellow men."

In December 2012, the CCP judicial authorities issued
an opinion on how to deal with Tibetan self-immolations.
The document said that Tibetan self-immolation protests
were “the results of collusion among overseas hostile forces,
They were premeditated attempts that aimed to split up
the country, to undermine national unity and seriously disrupt social order."

Gongga Tashi: "Now the CCP touts the news that Tibetans
are living a happy life, opposing self-immolation and are very satisfied with the current official policy.
If it's true, why has the CCP blocked the entry of overseas
media and international investigation group into Tibet?
I've always wondered, what reason drove the
CCP to reject their entry?
Is there any secret that the regime tries to cover up?"

Lobsang Sangay, Prime Minister of
the Tibetan government in exile, said that
if China really wants to prevent recurrences of
Tibetan self-immolation incidents,
the authorities should unconditionally allow international
organizations to enter Tibet to probe the root causes, rather than just pointing fingers at others.

Lobsang Sangay appealed that from now on,
the Tibetans do not resort to self-immolation.
He also called upon them not to celebrate the Tibetan
New Year on February 11, in order to mourn the deaths of self-immolators.