【禁聞】色誘主角兩重天 官欲嚴懲民稱英雄






深圳當代社會觀察研究所所長 劉開明:「我覺得她也是一個受害人,從她來說,對整個事情的後果怎麼樣,她並沒有預測,而且她也是被人利用的。這種情況下,如果說怎麼給她定罪也很不合適,當然把她作為英雄,我覺得也不合適。」










Officials Exposing’ Honey trap: Public’s Heroine?

Zhao Hongxia, the teenage girl using sex bribery, triggered
the removal of 11 Chongqing officials involved in sex videos.
Zhao was arrested with allegation of extortion. However,
public praised Zhao and called her “anti-corruption heroine.”
The public also suggested rewarding her with a medal, even
recommended her to become a member of the Political and Legislative Committee.

On Nov. 20 last year, Chongqing officials’ sex videos
were circulated online.
Two and a half days later, Lei Zhengfu, Chongqing’s
Beipei District party secretary, was fired.
On Jan. 24 this year, 10 more officials were brought down
for involvement in sex videos.

Recently, sources said that Zhao Hongxia was detained
by the Chongqing police on Nov. 25, last year.
On Dec. 31, she was formally arrested
on allegations of extortion.

However, civilians treated Zhao
as “anti-corruption heroine.”
Some recommended her as “2013 moving Chinese people
character,” “China’s Spine,”, “No.1 Chongqing celebrity,” etc..
Furthermore, some people suggested Zhao should become
a member of the Political Consultative Conference.

Others wrote a feature article on her, titled, “New Records
of a Grand Historian: Zhao Hongxia Biography.”

Liu Kaiming, director, Contemporary Observation Institute,
Shenzhen: “I believe she is also a victim.
For her, she didn’t expect this outcome,
she has been used by someone.
Under these circumstances, to charge her is improper,
and to treat her as a heroine, I think, is also improper.”

Zhao’s lawyer said, “More clues indicated that Zhao was
purely a tool and a victim in Chongqing officials sex videos’ affairs and so-called extortion case.”

Actually, the revealed information shows,
Chongqing’s police investigated such a case in 2009.
However, they closed it without punishing any involved
official until the Lei Zhengfu incident was exposed.

Zhu Ruifeng, who first posted sex video online, Tweeted
on Jan. 26, ‘the dismissal of the 10 officials is for cover up.
Chongqing’s side again successfully destroyed all evidences
on officials involved in sex videos that have been investigated by the ministry of public security.’

On the evening of Jan. 27, Chongqing’s police attempted
to talk to Zhu at Zhu’s home in Beijing.
Zhu posted five messages on a microblog,
asking for help.
On Jan. 29, Zhu told NTD that Chongqing’s police wanted
him to provide details on whom he obtained the video from.
The source provider told Zhu that the police destroyed
the files as to protect the corrupt officials.
This source provider’s behavior made Chongqing’s police
feel very embarrassed and angry.

Zhu said that he holds more officials’ sex videos,
and that their position is much higher than Lei Zhengfu’s.

Zhu Jianguo, independent writer, Shenzhen: “Zhao Hongxia’
case, no matter the initial motive, is good for anti-corruption.
These officials haven’t been punished via law procedures,
but people who indirectly pushed to exposed them were punished first.
It seems to help corrupt officials revenge,
in another words, to suppress anti-corruption.
This indicates that the current authorities
aren’t really implementing anti-corruption measures.”

Zhu pointed out that Zhao Hongxia wasn’t the leading cause
of officials corruption.
Zhao made them be exposed, thus they were annoyed,
and wanted to punish her.
If we live in an equal society, Zhao could have the same
opportunity as the 2nd Red generation’s, she won’t walk into these trouble.

Liu Kaiming, PhD in Literature, said that now China
encounters unprecedented level of corruption.
Many officials own multiple identifications,
houses and money.
Ordinary people hate corruption,
but are helpless to do something about it.
Thus anyone capable to exposing corrupt officials
will be regarded as a hero.
Liu believes that this reflects the opposing differences
between officials and civilians.

In recent years, deep conflicts surfaced
between officials and civilians.
It isn’t surprising that Yang Jia, who killed cops,
was considered a hero;
and that Qian Mingqi, who bombed government building
in Jiangxi, was treated as a hero too.
The public is in despair by the corruption and the system.
Thus everyone welcomes fighting back behavior.