【禁聞】一號文件﹕土地集中流轉 掠奪!













採訪/劉惠 編輯/周平 後製/孫寧

The Last Communist Plunder Starts

Document No. 1 issued by the Chinese Communist Party’s
Central Committee advocates family farms in China.
It encourages and supports the resale of contracted lands to
large farming contractors, family farms, and to farmer co-ops.
Experts say that the family farm policy is improper in China.

The permission for concentrated land resale to large farming
contractors signals the CCP’s plundering has started in rural areas.
Landless peasants will soon face the same plight as
laid-off urban workers, deprived of a means of living.

The term "Document No. 1 issued by the CCP Central
Committee" refers to the specific Party policy on rural issues".

The 2013 Document No. 1 for the first time puts forth
a concept of the "family farm".
It encourages and supports farmers to contract lands and
to “resell them to large professional farming contractors, family farms, to farmers co-ops.”
Some netizens asked, after high volumes of land resale,
who will safeguard the rights and interests of landless peasants?

Dr. Xie Tian, professor at University of South Carolina-Aiken,
says that "family farm" is a notion contradicting the trend of agricultural modernization.

Prof. Xie Tian: "The modernization of China's agriculture
has to take the path of large-scale mechanized farming, like that in the U.S..
But that should be based on stretched lands.

Now China encourages family members to serve as
primary farm labor forces.
They cannot hire as many farm laborers as landlords did
in the past.
So the policy is ludicrous, it’s clearly against the trend of
agricultural modernization.”

The CCP agricultural authorities define the "family farm" as
referring to family members who form the main labor force
to scale up agricultural commercial production and operation.

The authorities call such households farm business entities,
with farming income as their major source of income.
They are established with the goal of advancing the
modernization of agriculture.

Xie Tian: "Each year, the Document No. 1 is about
agricultural policy, the CCP has done this all these years.
Now it puts forward the concept of a family farm.
The policy is backward in terms of agricultural modernization.
Legally, it’s reactive but creates chances for the privileged
strata to grab land on a large scale.
So either it’s Document No. 1 or in the name of family farm,
in essence, it marks the beginning of CCP’s last plunder.”

Xie Tian analyzes the aftermath of the policy of
“reselling lands to large professional farming contractors”.

Xie Tian: "It also advocates resale of family contracted lands
to large professional farming contractors.
I view it as a green light given to CCP newborn top strata.

This helps corrupt CCP officials to get large-scale land
acquisitions to make big money.
That is, turning peri-urban farmlands into urban lands to
build a lot of houses.”

Reportedly, the CCP authorities have established
over 6,600 family farms in Songjiang, Wuhan, Yanbian, Ningbo, among others.

(Chief researcher, China Realities Insight Journal)
Gong Shengli: "The CCP’s policy has been subject to change
For over 20 years, how can this country not be disordered?

The official data shows that by the end of 2012, China has
51% urbanization, the actual figure is over 70%, I think.”

Some netizens have questioned the Family Farm policy.

They said that the authorities’ advocacy of land resale to
large planting contractors seemingly helps improve production efficiency.
Yet the problem is, with vast land resale,
what is to be done for all those landless farmers?
Who are the real beneficiaries of the land resale?

Some have commented that it’s important to resettle
farmers, to make them become farm or skilled workers.
Otherwise, they’ll be like laid-off urban workers, without any
other means of living, and so living on almost nothing.

Gong Shengli said that the longer Document No. 1 is issued,
the more unstable China will become.
Since the practice indicates that only Party documents
have the decisive say on state affairs in China.
These Party documents have actually made the rule of law
impossible in China, Gong remarks.