【禁聞】中國足協開罰單 打假掃黑落幕了嗎?

















採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

CFA’s Corruption Campaign Crackdown Closed?

Finally after around four years, the Chinese football
match-fixing scandals receive their final outcome.
On February 18, the Chinese Football Association (CFA)
punished clubs and individuals involved in the scandals,
banning 33 players and officials from football events for life.

Experts say the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses sports
as tools for personal gain; it’s abandoned any sporting spirit.

CFA made an announcement on February 18, punishing clubs
and individuals involved in football match-fixing scandals.
Punishments include giving point-based penalties, fines,

confiscating match reward items, and banning from
involvement in football events for 5 years or even for life.

33 people have been banned for life, including Xie Yalong,
Nan Yong and Yang Yimin, and 25 banned for 5 years.

Clubs Shandong Luneng, Tianjin Teda and Shanghai Shenhu
are facing a fine of 1-million yuan (US$160,000),
with the latter two also receiving 6-points in penalties
and a stripping of their league titles.
Changchun Yatai, Jiangshu Suntian, Hennan Jianye,
and YilinYanbian have been fined 500,000 yuan (US$80,000)
with YilinYanbian also being deducted 3 points.

Many netizens along with the Discipline Committee say
the punishments are too light.
Since the CFA considered the whole football situation
and gave lenient punishments, it seems the issue of avoiding
Chinese football will start all over again.

Chen Kai, a former Chinese basketball player says
China uses sports as tools for gaining personal profit.

[Chen Kai]: “The entire society is corrupt; it’s impossible
to use a corrupt system to punish other corrupt behavior.
Now China is a society without morality;
in this society, sport has become a tool for corruption.
People use sport to make profit, so in China,
there is no real sporting spirit.”

Some netizens say they’ve already gotten used to this form of
Chinese humor—of reducing big troubles into smaller ones,
and small ones into nothing.
Netizens conclude: “At least this punishment
pulls Chinese football backwards by 20 years.”

[Ju Bin, Canadian Sports Teacher]:
“I think the biggest problem in Mainland China is that
the public are led by media reports, and the media educates
everyone to win for China and for Chinese nations.
No one can carry this big title on their shoulders,
because the sporting spirit should come from human nature,
human consciousness, human values and morality.

It shouldn’t be forcibly linked to national consciousness;
to connect them in this way is misrepresenting sport.”

Ju Bin says the original spirit should be returned to sport,
replacing centralized management, or the transfer of benefits.

[Ju Bin]: “Match-fixing corruption always exists in the CFA,
as this relates to the officials’ pursuit of self-interest and gain.
If they continue to use the centralized method and do this,
what will become the purpose, meaning and value of sport?”

[Chen Kai, Former Chinese Basketball Player]:
“For a society without faith, who don’t believe in god,
or divine beings, it is hard to create individual integrity.

When every individual has no personal integrity,
what they pursue is solely personal gain.”

Sources say in February 2012, Yang Yimin, the former CFA
vice president was sentenced to 10-and-a-half years in jail
for taking bribes and manipulating matches.

Lu Jun, a former “golden whistle” referee was also jailed
for 5-and-a-half years and fined 100,000 yuan (US$16,000),
with personal property worth 710,000 yuan (US$113,600)
also being confiscated.

In June 2012, Nan Yong, the former CFA vice president
and Xie Yalong, the former head for the National Football
Management Center (NFMC) were sentenced to
10-and-a-half years in jail for bribery.
Xie Yalong also had 200,000 yuan (US$32,000)
of personal property confiscated.
Li Dongsheng, former manager of NFMC faced penalties
and was jailed for 9 years for bribery.

Shen Si, a former football player and coach was jailed for
6 years for bribery and fined 500,000 yuan (US$80,000).

The movie Shaolin Soccer was banned from theatrical release
in China for touching on bribery and corruption.
The biggest irony is that the CFA’s last few years’ actions
are worse than the movie describes.
While the movie was rejected, public concern is on whether
the curtain has closed for corruption in the football industry.
