【禁聞】公安部稱治安好於日本 遭民眾批駁








近年來,中共一直對內實行高壓「維穩」政策,本該用於保障公民安全、打擊刑事犯罪的政法系統,卻掉轉槍口對準老百姓,成為當局最主要的維穩工具。公安、法院等部門對民眾的侵權打壓、抓捕判刑,已經到了無所不用其極的驚人地步。 2012年當局各項維穩經費高達7018億元,超過軍費開支。

「中國公民監政會」發起人 郭永豐:「大量的時間用於維穩、維護共產黨的一黨獨裁專制。但是針對有關老百姓的民生民計、包括殺人案件,它已經顧及不過來了。第一,它是財力上顧及不過來;第二,人力上也顧及不過來。」






採訪/易如 編輯/李謙 後製/鍾元

China’s Law and Order Better than Japan’s and Switzerland’s?

The Ministry of Public Security in China recently announced,
the number of criminal cases is continuously declining,
with the number of murder cases being lower than in Japan
and Switzerland, known as some of the safest places on earth.
However, this claim differs from people’s feelings in China,
thus this statement has been widely doubted.
Experts point out that the mainland public security
has been pretending that everything is going well.
Serious criminal cases are not on record for investigation,
and the police itself violates the law, creating numerous fake and false charges in legal cases. Let’s take a look.

Mainland official media recently published a report
about the latest statistics of criminal offenses.
The Ministry of Public Security showed that in recent years,
the number of homicides, injuries, robberies, and other serious criminal cases on record is continuously declining.
The murder cases are 0.8 per 100,000 people. This is lower
than those in Japan or Switzerland, recognized worldwide as top safest countries.
The crime detection rate reaches 94.5%,
the report claims.

However, this data is generally being questioned.

Guangzhou’ human rights lawyer Tang Jingling told NTD,
the funeral parlor in Guangzhou burns several hundred unidentified corpses each year.
The police doesn’t even care
how these people have died.

Tang Jingling, Human rights lawyer, Guangzhou: "In China
a lot of cases have not been placed on file for investigation.
I personally have experienced several cases myself,
and my brothers and sisters have too.
They have encountered this before.
Many criminal cases haven’t been filed."

Tang adds, the police often resorts to torture and other means
to extort confessions with the pursuit of high detection rate.
This finally creates numerous fake and false charges
in the legal system.

In June 2001, a bomb exploded from a package in a petition
reception of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in Fuqing City, Fujian Province; one person was killed.
Driver Wu Changlong from Zhongfu Company, Fuqing City,
confessed to false charges after nearly two months of torture.
He was then sentenced to death with reprieve.

The case turned for the better only this February,
as the lawyer has been making various evidences public.
Wu Changlong has been released from prison
and has returned back home to celebrate the New Year.

Tang Jingling: “This is a case they claim they have resolved,
yet they haven’t found and arrested the real murderer.
In China, many so-called resolved homicide cases
are in this kind of situation.
They simply find someone and casually wrong him. They
beat him almost to death, and force him to admit the killing.
What is the significance of such a detection - to just kill
another person on behalf of the justice administration?”

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been applying
the internal policy of high-pressure "stability maintenance."
The political and legal systems are supposed to protect
citizens’ security and to fight against the crime.
Yet, they turned their guns against ordinary people, and
became the authorities' main tool for stability maintenance.
Public security, courts and other departments are extremely
unscrupulous in their suppression,’ arrests,’ and sentencing’ infringements.
In 2012, authorities’ stability maintenance funding was over
RMB700 billion, which exceeded China’s military spending.

Guo Yongfeng, founder, Association of Chinese Citizens
for Monitoring the Government: "They spend a lot of time in stability maintenance to keep CCP’ one-party dictatorship.
They do not take into account people's livelihood,
and don’t even care about the murder cases.
This is because they have neither the financial resources,
nor the manpower for this."

Facing the raising protests from people, authorities establish
various ‘black jails’ and forcibly arrest petitioners there.
Many petitioners in ‘black jails’ were abused, raped,
and even killed by the guards there.

Mr. Hou, Henan Province: “When they open ‘black jails,’
this means people are illegally deprived from freedom.
This is what they call “crime cases.”
Do they file these cases? Is there a criminal offense?
Actually, crime rates in China are certainly much higher
than in Japan and other countries.”

Mr. Li, a software development company worker in Japan,
told reporters, in China parents keep an eye on their kids all the time, to assure they are not stolen or abducted.
However, this is not the case in Japan.

Mr. Li: “What can a figure prove? People live a fearful life,
worrying what would be stolen from them next;
worrying their kids would be stolen and abducted outside.
Thus, no matter how good these figures are, they’re useless.”

Li also stressed that the CCP’s regime claims to have
a good public order record, but the reality is deferent.
If people are deceived, believe their propaganda, and never
protect themselves against the rogue regime, the final victim is still them, the civilians.