















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/周天

Reason Behind Media Unveiling of
Political & Legislative Affairs Committee Secrets

Inside stories of the Political & Legislative Affairs Committee
have been continuously disclosed by China's media.
The PLAC is known as “the second Central Committee”.
It controls the intelligence system,
domestic security, security guards, the reeducation
through labor system, the procuratorates and courts.
Also, it owns huge money for “stability preservation”,
the amount has exceeded the military budget.
Why was the head of the PLAC kicked out of
the Politburo Standing Committee at the 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress?
Since then, several senior PLAC officials have been
removed from their posts.
Why did the media dare to continuously unveil the truth?
The issue has become a public focus.

The PLAC's precursor was the CCP Commission of
Legislative Affairs, founded in the 1950s.
For many years, the PLAC has been outside
the CCP's core power.
It was officially removed twice,
during the Cultural Revolution and in 1988.
Since 1999, after the CCP started
the persecution of Falun Gong,
its former head Jiang Zemin arbitrarily promoted the
PLAC chief as the Politburo standing committee member.
Jiang expanded the Politburo standing committee
to nine members, from a previous seven members.
Also, by continuously increasing the authority of the PLAC,
Jiang turned it into “the Second CCP Center Committee”.

Besides Falun Gong practitioners, victims of the PLAC
include human right defenders, pro-democracy activists, lawyers, and the disobedient masses.

On April 9, Yu Qiyi, chief engineer at Wenzhou Industry
Investment Group, reportedly died.
Yu, also the company's Party committee member, was
put under the Party's internal investigation at the time.
The photos show Yu's body was
covered in red bruises.
His family members didn't doubt that he had
suffered a brutal beating before his death.

The recent investigative report on exposure of
tortures in Masanjia Reeducation-through-labor (RTL) camp has shocked the public.
This news was later removed from the internet.

Several other cases of extorting confessions by torture
have also been exposed recently.
Media reported that Chen Debao, an ex-director of
a sub-bureau of Beijing Public Security,
suddenly appealed over being forced to confess by torture.

Chen has begun serving his jail sentence. In Zhejiang,
a case of rape involved Zhang Gaoping and his nephew.
Both were said to be “paying for their crimes”
after being jailed for 10 years.

US-based political observer, Zhang Jian, comments.

The exposure of these truths shows that the Chinese people
are no longer willing to follow the CCP to commit evil acts.

Zhang Jian: “Thanks to advanced internet technologies,
but mainly due to awakening, people have begun to resist.
This has now been presented very typically in China.
I notice China's RTL system is very cruel.
In particular, torture has been used to its maximum extent
on detained Falun Gong practitioners, petitioners,
also on human rights defenders,
and pro-democracy activists.”

Zhang Jian reports that the RTL camps' brutality, and

live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners,
have aroused widespread indignation.

Zhang Jian: “What's more, people have come to
understand that the CCP's collapse is around the corner.
So some people, for their own sake and for the public,
unveiled these truths.
Firstly, this allows the public to know
how evil the CCP has been;
Secondly, it amounts to buying their ticket
to board the life-raft.
Then, when the CCP boat sinks one day,
they can save themselves.”

Media reported some tortures that female petitioners have
suffered while detained in Masanjia Female RTL Camp.
These included being shocked with electric batons, being
tied to a “tiger bench”, or to a bed in a body-tearing position.
Whilst even more brutal tortures have been used on
the Falun Gong practitioners detained there.

Zhang Jian: “I think that, as the CCP's demise moves closer,
such exposures will increase.
When the whole truth is exposed to public, people will begin
to see clearly the true face of the regime they have supported.
But why didn't they follow their consciences before to
offer a hand to their fellow compatriots in China?”

Under the reign of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao,
both repeatedly touted innovative governance.
Yet, central orders and prohibitions were always defied
by officials at local levels.
The PLAC's policy of “stability overriding everything”
has evolved somewhat.
Behind Bo's Chongqing anti-mafia drive was
rampant lawlessness.
In facing the occurrences of the Chen Guangcheng incident,

the suspicious death of Hunan dissident Li Wangyang,
and surging mass protests,
the whole of society has increasingly called for
the abolition of the RTL system and the PLAC.

(Researcher, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Ma Yong: “I think it may be related to the abolition of
the RTL system, a kind of warm-up.
This is common for the domestic media,
they dare not to report it if banned.
But if they do, that is certainly purposeful.”

Zhang Jian points out that media exposure
does not equal press freedom.
He speculates that this may because some individuals of
one CCP faction have also been victimized by the PLAC.
It has thus aroused attention from
the CCP's high level leaders.
Yet for ordinary Chinese folks,
the CCP's control will never be relaxed, he says.