【禁聞】胡耀邦忌日官媒紀念 民拜祭被逐






中南海前祕書俞梅蓀:「 大約有二、三十個,訪民們都拿著鮮花,訪民們都很窮的。每人掏五塊錢,湊了150塊錢,買了幾把鮮花,都在那裡。」











採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/李月

Chinese Official Media Memorize Hu Yaobang,
Visitors Were Dismissed

April 15 is the 24th anniversary of the death of former Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Hu Yaobang.

Many Chinese official media published articles to
commemorate Hu Yaobang.

They included photos of students gathered on Tiananmen
Square to commemorate Hu Yaobang when he passed away.

However, the alley of Hu Yaobang’s home was blocked.
People who went to pay a visit were intercepted and expelled.

Zhongnanhai former secretary Yu Meisun recalled Hu Yaobang
once said "to prevent the law toward reactionary."

It seems to be today’s reality.

CCP Shanghai Municipal official newspaper Liberation Daily
published two articles on April 15th commemorating the 24th
anniversary of the death of Hu Yaobang.

Shanghai media veteran Zhou Ruijin, former Liberation Daily
party secretary and People's Daily deputy editor-in-chief,
wrote an article to commemorate Hu Yaobang:

"China's reform is at a new stage that needs relentless push
and heavy punch.

To commemorate Hu Yaobang has
a very strong practical significance."

In addition, China Newsweek also published an article titled
Hu Yaobang’s Funeral And Students Demonstration.

It disclosed that the media did not know how to cover
the death of Hu, as well as the history of the student movement.

The article says, "In the morning, looking at Tiananmen Square
from the Great Hall, students filled the square.

They held up banners stating: “Young Fighters,” “Democratic
Leaders,” “Blood for Democracy” etc. A big storm is inevitable!”

According to former Zhongnanhai secretary Yu Meisun,
on April 15th, he went to Hu Yaobang’s home at Kuiji Alley.

He saw a big iron gate set up about 200 meters from the place.
It was blocked by the police.

About 20 to 30 petitioners holding flowers were stopped
outside the gate. Yu Mei-Sun was also and not allowed to enter.

Yu Meisun: “There were about 20 to 30 petitioners,
holding flowers.
Petitioners are very poor, but they gathered 150 yuan as
each of them contributed 5 yuan, to get some flowers.”

Yu Meisun said the police kept taking pictures and
shooting videos of them.

Several police cars and a bus came. Petitioners told him
the bus was to take people away.

Yu Meisun asked the petitioners to take a picture of him.
They were expelled by the police.

After Yu Meisun left, some friends who stayed behind said
petitioners were taken away by the bus.

Hu Yaobao’s eldest son, member of the Standing Committee
of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,
declined NTDTV’s interview. He thanked them for the
intention of a memorial for his father.

Hu Deping: “Let’s not talk about it now. We can meet up
later and chat about something more relaxed.

Many people came today. We know how they feel.
We are also grateful to everyone.”

Yu Meisun once worked at the State Department doing
legislative work for ten years, and reported to Hu Yaobang.

Hu Yaobang told him that Legislative work does not need
to be too much. It is important to let people remember.

Yu Meisun: “In 1985, I was responsible for drafting the
legislative plan for the 7th Five Year Planning.

It was sent to HuYaobang. He said, you wrote so many articles.
One article is about 3,000 to 4,000 words.

Over 300 articles will be 1.2 million words.
How can people remember them?”

Before then, Hu Yaobang also commented on
preventing the law from being anti-revolutionary.

Yu Meisun: “In 1982, Hu Yaobang also provided his input
to the legislative plan for the 6th Five Year Planning.

He said there should not too many legal articles. We should
prevent the law to be against revolution.

I did not take it seriously. I thought he did not understand law.”

Nine years later, Yu Meisun was slandered by Wen Wei Po
and was sent to prison.

When the police refused to show him any legal books,
he suddenly realized Hu Yaobang’s understanding of the law.

Yu Meisun: “After the interrogation, I come back from the
police station. The iron prison cell door slammed behind me.

Suddenly, I felt Yaobang was right, I was wrong.

I as a legislative professional cannot understand the law,
let alone the people.”

In 1989, people commemorated Hu Yaobang voluntarily
after he passed away.

It was the beginning of the student democratic movement,
which led to the Tiananmen Square Incident.

In recent years, the calling to return innocence to the
Tiananmen Square Incident has got louder and louder.

Analysts believe official media’s article praising Hu Yaobang’s
achievements to return innocence to millions of people after
the Cultural Revolution implies that the authorities should
"return innocence to the “June 4th Movement."
