【禁聞】港媒:薄熙來檢舉 揭發大老虎














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Hong Kong Media: No Immediate Trial of Bo Xilai

One year has passed since the arrest of Bo Xilai, former Party chief of Chongqing. The Chinese Communist Party(CCP) authorities have not yet released a time schedule for Bo’s trial. Hong Kong's media has reported that Bo is cooperating with the official investigators. He has disclosed the guilt of higher-ranking officials, to offset the death penalty. Reportedly, Bo’s confession has involved some top CCP leadership figures, this will clearly necessitate a complex probe procedure. Thus, Bo Xilai won't face a trial in the near future. Let’s see the details.

Since Bo Xilai was arrested, speculation about his trial and incrimination has continued. Earlier on, media widely reported that Bo would be tried in Guizhou at the end of January, but it did not happen.

Recently, Jiang Weiping, former reporter of Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Po, has unveiled the reason behind it. His article stated that the earlier news reports on Bo’s trial were intentionally released by the parties concerned, in order to test the public reaction. The Bo case is now still under way, Jiang said. Since it involves some senior officials, the probe team is verifying the evidence disclosed by Bo.

The report said that Bo has utterly confessed his guilt, in front of proofs offered by Bo’s mistresses and subordinates. Bo has disclosed “Big Tigers” (higher-ranking officials), to offset a death penalty. Reportedly, some top-team CCP officials have been implicated in Bo’s case. That necessitates breaking through the Party’s red tape, so the trial of Bo may be held until a few months later.

(Critic) Sima Tai: “There are difficulties in punishing Bo Xilai. On the one hand, the pro-Bo forces are mainly still in power; On the other, all the charges against Bo implicate and derive from the CCP. That’s the point.”

Sima Tai says that Bo Xilai, the son of CCP veteran Bo Yibo, has long followed ex-CCP leader Jiang Zemin. Bo has already built his own big network of relationships within the CCP. Also, Bo’s campaign of “fighting mafia & singing revolutionary songs” is based on the CCP ideology. Corrupt officials like Bo have spread a network nationwide.

Sima Tai: “It’s a hot potato for both Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang. How to distance the CCP from Bo, and how to convict Bo, that will be tough to deal with.”

CCP’s violent “stability preservation” has lasted over many years. The officials have indulged in corruption, making China seethe with popular discontent. Since assuming office, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang have touted “combat against corruption”, to stabilize CCP rule.

(Political observer, China) Hua Po: “Bo will be charged for his corruption, instead of his political dissent. Xi and Li will severely punish him, I believe.”

Hua Po speculates that Xi-Li will very likely “kill” a target to cement CCP central authority.

Hua Po: “If Xi intends to establish authority, he may set a precedent by axing a Politburo member. I suppose Bo Xilai will come to a bad end.”

Jiang Weiping disclosed that after the first two months in detention, Bo had shown a tough stance. The “coup” that Bo had expected did not appear, which later changed Bo’s attitude. Bo had hoped he would have been given a lenient sentence, at least keeping his life. Yet, sources have said that Bo has committed massive corruption, that he won’t escape a heavy sentence.

Media have reported that the greatest sin of Bo Xilai was his following Jiang Zemin in the persecution of Falun Gong. Bo participated in the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners, and trafficked their bodies. Liaoning's Masanjia Re-education-through-labor Camp was recently exposed in shocking torture scandals. Bo Xilai, the then Liaoning governor, supervised the building of Masanjia.