美國紐約城市大學政治學教授 夏明:「他其實玩了一種反常規的一種戰術,也就是中國老百姓都知道你做的好事都是表面文章,現在他要再去做一件新的事情就是說,我要制止媒體去報導,因此我的表面文章就不是表面文章了。」
美國紐約城市大學政治學教授 夏明:「中共在全球維持媒體的力度現在非常龐大,第二,採取的手法也越發精細了,第三,我覺得中共領導人他現在是在玩一團很大的迷團戲,他不僅是要忽悠中國人民,他甚至要忽悠全世界。現在我們在海外看到,除了法輪功剔除,沒被中共操縱以外,我很難相信說,還有哪一個媒體沒有受到中共官方的權力和金錢的的影響。」
美國紐約城市大學政治學教授 夏明:「其實這個又顯示出中共現在出了第三次蠢事,就在於他的一切做法其實都是處心積慮的,他一直想做一些事情來提高自己的形象,第一我們可以看出,這個代價是非常昂貴的,第二我們可以看出,中國的領導人和老百姓之間的距離有多遠,第三我們可以看出,中共這班子幫著抬轎的一幫人表演的非常拙劣的。」
原河北人民廣播電臺編輯 朱欣欣:「說明甚麼呢,他們主管部門這些機構啊,他已經不適應目前的形勢、時代的要求、以及新聞應有的狀態, 類似中宣部這樣的管理機構早就應該廢除,它們應當逐漸的減少干預,為自己退出歷史舞臺做好應有的準備。」
採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/陳建銘
Latest Version of Xi Jinping's Taxi Ride
Hong Kong’s media recently reported that
Xi Jinping’s taxi ride through Beijing was real.
But over a month ago, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
openly denied the news.
The CCP Central Committee General Office improperly
handled the issue, making the official media contradict itself.
Reportedly, Xi Jinping harshly rebuked the Central Office
officials, “Stupid handling, and one more."
On May 26th Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported that on
March 1st Xi Jinping took a taxi ride at Beijng Drum Tower.
The report said that when Xi went back to the office,
he informed Li Zhanshu, the Central Office director.
Xi said that his cab ride decision was on a spur of
the moment, and not to report on it.
In April, a deputy director in charge of propaganda
overseas, heard the news.
The official believed reporting it would help
build Xi’s populist image.
He privately leaked the news to a Beijing correspondent
of Hong Kong’s Ta Kung Pao.
On April 18th Ta Kung Pao published a full-page
exclusive report on Xi’s taxi ride.
The news went viral on the internet and
spread around the world.
Both the Beijing Ministry of Transportation and
Xinhua News Agency openly verified the issue.
That day Xi questioned Li Zhanshu on the reporting.
Li then ordered Xinhua News Agency to “refute the rumor”.
Ta Kung Pao was forced to make a public apology.
Afterwards, Xi angrily rebuked the Central Office,
“Stupid handling, and one more."
It was rumored that the official leaking the news
has been punished.
Xia Ming, professor of political science,
at City University of New York, commented.
He says that the CCP leaders have learned to
build their images through media reports.
The practice has been used to control the Chinese
by brainwashing them.
Xia Ming: "He actually used an unconventional tactic.
That is, the Chinese people know that Xi's taxi ride
was a surface formality.
But this time, he did it in a new way,
preventing the media from reporting it.
This way, the taxi-ride coverage seemed to be genuine."
Xia Ming interprets the news of Xi’s taxi ride, and previous
news of Xi’s low profile, makes Xi’s surface formality look real.
Xia Ming: "By now, the CCP has put great effort to
keep its worldwide media outlets.
Secondly, these CCP-backed media have taken
more sophisticated approaches.
Thirdly, I feel the CCP leaders are staging a very big show,
aiming to fool the public in China and worldwide.
So far, except for media created by Falun Gong practitioners,
all overseas Chinese media outlets have been influenced
by the CCP, both politically or economically."
Xia Ming believes that Xi Jinping has shaped an unusual way
of thinking when he worked at grassroots.
Xi’s men sometimes cannot fully understand his intention.
They eagerly sought to curry favor with Xi,
and failed in doing it perfectly.
Xia Ming says, the official media’s refuting the
rumor made the second blunder.
The latest release of news verifying Xi’s taxi ride
just made the third one.
Xia Ming: "This shows that all the CCP’s acts
have been deliberately planned.
He has sought ways to improve his image.
But firstly, the cost is very high; secondly, the CCP leaders
have distanced themselves far from the everyday people;
Thirdly, the CCP’s eulogizing team performed very badly."
Zhu Xinxin, former editor, Hebei People's Radio,
says Xi might want to build his populist image.
However may fear of being deemed to make a show.
Along with the CCP habitual propaganda
involvement, the issue finally evolved into a farce.
Zhu Xinxin: "It tells us that these media heads
no longer fit into today’s society.
The intra-Party bodies, such as the Central Propaganda Dept.,
should have been abolished.
These offices should gradually cut down on interference
and prepare to step down from the stage of history."
Sources from Ta Kung Pao revealed more details to
Radio France Internationale (RFI).
The RFI reported that the CCP high-level officials had inspired
and approved Ta Kung Pao’s news coverage.
Yet, since it was an indirect interview, it couldn't be proved
that the person who took the taxi ride was Xi Jinping himself.
美國紐約城市大學政治學教授 夏明:「他其實玩了一種反常規的一種戰術,也就是中國老百姓都知道你做的好事都是表面文章,現在他要再去做一件新的事情就是說,我要制止媒體去報導,因此我的表面文章就不是表面文章了。」
美國紐約城市大學政治學教授 夏明:「中共在全球維持媒體的力度現在非常龐大,第二,採取的手法也越發精細了,第三,我覺得中共領導人他現在是在玩一團很大的迷團戲,他不僅是要忽悠中國人民,他甚至要忽悠全世界。現在我們在海外看到,除了法輪功剔除,沒被中共操縱以外,我很難相信說,還有哪一個媒體沒有受到中共官方的權力和金錢的的影響。」
美國紐約城市大學政治學教授 夏明:「其實這個又顯示出中共現在出了第三次蠢事,就在於他的一切做法其實都是處心積慮的,他一直想做一些事情來提高自己的形象,第一我們可以看出,這個代價是非常昂貴的,第二我們可以看出,中國的領導人和老百姓之間的距離有多遠,第三我們可以看出,中共這班子幫著抬轎的一幫人表演的非常拙劣的。」
原河北人民廣播電臺編輯 朱欣欣:「說明甚麼呢,他們主管部門這些機構啊,他已經不適應目前的形勢、時代的要求、以及新聞應有的狀態, 類似中宣部這樣的管理機構早就應該廢除,它們應當逐漸的減少干預,為自己退出歷史舞臺做好應有的準備。」
採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/陳建銘
Latest Version of Xi Jinping's Taxi Ride
Hong Kong’s media recently reported that
Xi Jinping’s taxi ride through Beijing was real.
But over a month ago, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
openly denied the news.
The CCP Central Committee General Office improperly
handled the issue, making the official media contradict itself.
Reportedly, Xi Jinping harshly rebuked the Central Office
officials, “Stupid handling, and one more."
On May 26th Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported that on
March 1st Xi Jinping took a taxi ride at Beijng Drum Tower.
The report said that when Xi went back to the office,
he informed Li Zhanshu, the Central Office director.
Xi said that his cab ride decision was on a spur of
the moment, and not to report on it.
In April, a deputy director in charge of propaganda
overseas, heard the news.
The official believed reporting it would help
build Xi’s populist image.
He privately leaked the news to a Beijing correspondent
of Hong Kong’s Ta Kung Pao.
On April 18th Ta Kung Pao published a full-page
exclusive report on Xi’s taxi ride.
The news went viral on the internet and
spread around the world.
Both the Beijing Ministry of Transportation and
Xinhua News Agency openly verified the issue.
That day Xi questioned Li Zhanshu on the reporting.
Li then ordered Xinhua News Agency to “refute the rumor”.
Ta Kung Pao was forced to make a public apology.
Afterwards, Xi angrily rebuked the Central Office,
“Stupid handling, and one more."
It was rumored that the official leaking the news
has been punished.
Xia Ming, professor of political science,
at City University of New York, commented.
He says that the CCP leaders have learned to
build their images through media reports.
The practice has been used to control the Chinese
by brainwashing them.
Xia Ming: "He actually used an unconventional tactic.
That is, the Chinese people know that Xi's taxi ride
was a surface formality.
But this time, he did it in a new way,
preventing the media from reporting it.
This way, the taxi-ride coverage seemed to be genuine."
Xia Ming interprets the news of Xi’s taxi ride, and previous
news of Xi’s low profile, makes Xi’s surface formality look real.
Xia Ming: "By now, the CCP has put great effort to
keep its worldwide media outlets.
Secondly, these CCP-backed media have taken
more sophisticated approaches.
Thirdly, I feel the CCP leaders are staging a very big show,
aiming to fool the public in China and worldwide.
So far, except for media created by Falun Gong practitioners,
all overseas Chinese media outlets have been influenced
by the CCP, both politically or economically."
Xia Ming believes that Xi Jinping has shaped an unusual way
of thinking when he worked at grassroots.
Xi’s men sometimes cannot fully understand his intention.
They eagerly sought to curry favor with Xi,
and failed in doing it perfectly.
Xia Ming says, the official media’s refuting the
rumor made the second blunder.
The latest release of news verifying Xi’s taxi ride
just made the third one.
Xia Ming: "This shows that all the CCP’s acts
have been deliberately planned.
He has sought ways to improve his image.
But firstly, the cost is very high; secondly, the CCP leaders
have distanced themselves far from the everyday people;
Thirdly, the CCP’s eulogizing team performed very badly."
Zhu Xinxin, former editor, Hebei People's Radio,
says Xi might want to build his populist image.
However may fear of being deemed to make a show.
Along with the CCP habitual propaganda
involvement, the issue finally evolved into a farce.
Zhu Xinxin: "It tells us that these media heads
no longer fit into today’s society.
The intra-Party bodies, such as the Central Propaganda Dept.,
should have been abolished.
These offices should gradually cut down on interference
and prepare to step down from the stage of history."
Sources from Ta Kung Pao revealed more details to
Radio France Internationale (RFI).
The RFI reported that the CCP high-level officials had inspired
and approved Ta Kung Pao’s news coverage.
Yet, since it was an indirect interview, it couldn't be proved
that the person who took the taxi ride was Xi Jinping himself.