【禁聞】舉牌抗議性侵幼女 葉海燕遭報復

【新唐人2013年05月31日訊】舉牌抗議性侵幼女 葉海燕遭報復





港人撐平反六四 創政權移交後新高




《環時》遭民厭 記者受拖累






Feminist Ye Haiyan Meets With Retaliation After Protest

Feminist activist Ye Haiyan went to Wanning, Hainan Province
to hold a banner protesting against the school principal,
who raped a schoolgirl in a hotel room.

At noon on May 30, Ms. Ye was beaten by over a dozen of
people in her home in Guangxi, triggering outside attention.

Some netizens said it's obviously connected with the protest
on May 27, participated in by Ye Haiyan, Tang Jitian
and several other activists who came to support the victims
and protest against the principal’s evil behavior.
It was likely hired thugs retaliating to the protest.

Ye and others held a banner at Department of Education
in Wanning, Hainan Province and the entrance of Wanning
Second Elementary School on Monday to protest.
Their banners read:
"The regulator of the education department
commits dereliction of duty, the director must step down",
"purify the campus environment, punish principal Chen Zaipeng.”

They hope the community deeply recognizes the social issue
of teachers raping students, and will protect children.

A photo of Ye Haiyan with a banner
has been widely spreading online.
It says: “Principal: Rent a room with me, leave the kids alone."

Hong Kong People Call for Justice for “June 4”

Results of a recent poll by the University of Hong Kong
(HKU) were released on May 30.
It shows that the rate of Hong Kong people who support
redress for the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
is the highest since Hong Kong's transfer of power.

In the public opinion poll of a research project in HKU,

of 1000 respondents, 62.8% supported redress for the
June 4th event. 80% of the supporters are 18-29 year-olds.
The rate believing that China's human rights situation
has improved since 1989 fell 11% compared with last year,
which is the lowest since the handover to China.

Public Opinion Programme director Robert Chung at HKU
says the mainstream view of Hong Kong people continue to
believe that the Chinese authorities had handled it improperly.
They are sympathetic, and support redress of the June 4 event.

Global Times Reporter Suffered

The parents of a reporter for the English edition
of Global Times,
a branch of China's state newspaper People's Daily,
were recently hit by a car in Yan'an.
He suspected the traffic police handled it improperly, and found
a local China Daily reporter to seek help to report the events.
But the other reporter learned that he worked for
Global Times, and then refused to help.
In the past two days, the two sides had spread the issue online.

On May 28, Global Times’ reporter Zhang Zhilong
posted on his Weibo that
the other reporter concerned about his work at Global Times.

He said he hopes the reporter can abandon
the ideological struggle, and consider the suffering of others.

The China Daily reporter Wang Wai also explained the events,

and said his words were not toward Zhang Zhilong,
but Global Times.
Wang suggested that Zhang should change his work.

The interactive controversy drew the concern of netizens,
and the event caused over 70,000 discussions.
There are also polls, and the majority supported Wang Wai.