【禁聞】神十升天 學者稱形象工程無關民生





美國「紐約城市大學」政治學教授夏明:「但問題是最根本在於我們的資源是有限的,當一個個國家把自己的嬰兒奶粉,都沒法保證安全的時候,當一個國家,讓普通老百姓,飲水的質量沒法解決,空氣的質量沒法解決 ,有不斷的這些爆炸案,事故不斷的出現,我想當一個國家,就是連這些起碼的都沒辦法保障的話,那麼……其他的重大的工程,並不能使這個國家,真正的得到形象的改善。」






夏明:「中國政府,因為它基本上喜歡所謂的破記錄,能夠上天的,越年輕的越好,就像中國的運動員一樣,就是說,會改各種名字, 改各種年齡,它想做成一個標兵,一個典型的人物的時候,它基本上想創造一個高、大、全的一個形象,他們會對任何的細節進行化妝。」




採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Scholars Call Shenzhou-10 Spacecraft an Image Project

On 11th June, China’s Shenzhou-10 spaceship
lifted off from the Jiuquan Launch Centre.
It triggered netizens’ heated discussion on
China’s two major microblogs (Weibo).
What will Chinese people benefit from it?

The public hope the state funds can be spent on its citizens,
such as compulsory education or free healthcare service.
Scholars said that if a country couldn’t secure
the safety of infant milk,
the other achievements are only
showing a superficial image.

Sichuan lawyer Zhao Zhongyi questioned on a microblog:
Is it necessary to spend huge amounts of money on spacecraft?
Have the state funds been used on its own citizens?
Is the Shenzhou-10 an image project?

A netizen@eren-caiyongbao posted: The state can never
solve little issues like free education and healthcare.
Shenzhou-10 blasted off, but has nothing to do with us.

The CCP is just making itself look pompous by
slapping its own face!

Xia Ming, Professor of Political Science at
City University of New York commented.
Xia said that if China has unlimited resources,
they can do anything.

Xia Ming: “But the problem is China’s resources are limited.

For a country, if they can’t ensure the safety of infant milk,
can’t guarantee water quality, can’t resolve air pollution,
in addition to explosive accidents and
man-made disasters constantly taking place,
if a country can’t guarantee these fundamental issues,
the main projects can’t change into a better image.”

Why does the CCP like to invest its money in big projects?

Xia Ming analyzes that the CCP intends to create
an illusion of a strong country in the world,
being able to compete with the US,

thus, it won’t hesitate to spend national strength by
investing in big projects, such as an aircraft carrier.

Xia Ming: “The CCP realizes that the international
forces are going to eliminate the Communists.
Thus the CCP intends to increase its power
in order to attack and destroy others.
In other word, the CCP must build itself up
to have enough forces for retaliation,
thus, it thinks other countries, especially the US,
cannot easily get their hands on it.”

Xia said that some Chinese people may be proud
of Shenzhou-10.
However, this is irrelevant to their interests.

Xia Ming: “Where there is a project, there is corruption.
Certainly officials have personally gained from corruption.
In China, we can see nuclear weapons, missiles, satellites,
submarines and an aircraft carrier as well as space programs.
These projects are the best opportunity for state-owned
large companies to steal the money.”

The state-owned media claimed that female astronau
Wang Yaping was the first astronaut born after 1980 and a “Pretty Woman”.
Prior to this, PLA newspaper and Xinhua News Agency have
reported that Wang was born in April 1978 and not after 1980.

Xia Ming: “The Chinese regime likes to break the record.

To participate in the spaceship’s lift-off,
the younger, the better.
It is the same with China’s athletes,
having changed the names and ages.
In order to make a model, to set an example, the CCP basically
wants to create an image of being lofty, noble and perfect.
The CCP will give them a detailed makeup.”

A netizen specially wrote a couplet for the Shenzhou-10 event:

Left line: Shenzhou-10 took the CCP into heaven
(hint death), right line: state leaders smile in Jiuquan.
(jiuquan pronunciation is same as land of death in Chinese)
The horizontal words: People celebrate

Xia Ming: “We used to say smiling in Jiuquan,
which means one died and enters the underworld.
If CCP leadership smiles in Jiuquan, in someway,
it is a curse on them.
It shows people’s dissatisfaction with the CCP
leadership and even have people cursing on them. I think it is clear enough.”

Netizen@wangshixiangfengyuan wrote:
Shenzhou-10 took off?
I have no reason to be one bit happy for this kind of
patriotism, which claims to be rising up again and again.
Everyday, we cook with gutter oil, eating tainted food.
The CCP can keep the happiness for itself!