


8月9號,加拿大「太陽劇團」 (Cirque Du Soleil) 在北京五棵松萬事達劇場演出《邁克爾•傑克遜不朽傳奇》輕歌劇時,舞臺背景銀幕上,突然出現「六四」天安門屠殺事件中,北京長安街上一名青年只身站在坦克前阻擋坦克前進的照片。這張被稱為「坦克人」的照片,是美聯社記者1989年6月5號拍攝的,在中國一直被禁。


「太陽劇團」巡演發言人勞拉•西爾弗曼(Laura Silverman)回應媒體詢問時表示,到中國巡演之前,整場表演曾提交到中共文化部,並獲得了批准。

陳寶成案持續發酵 大批律師聲援






據《自由亞洲電臺》報導,死者是吐魯番伊斯蘭協會副主席阿布都熱依木•大毛拉 (Abdurehim Damolla) ,目前,警方還未就事件發出任何消息,但據聯合工作部門幹部透露,事件中有三名嫌疑人,其中兩人已被抓捕。




June 4th Tank Man Photo Shown At Concert

The June 4th Tank Man photo recently appeared
at a Beijing concert on August 9.
It showed on the backdrop, for only 4 seconds.
This has swiftly gone viral among overseas media.

On August 9, “Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL”, a light
opera by Cirque du Soleil from Canada was put on in Beijing.
During the show, on the stage backdrop, suddenly appeared
the image of June 4th tank man.
The “Tank Man” photo, banned in China, was taken by an
Associated Press reporter at the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reports that the
auditorium went silent when the "Tank Man" photo appeared.
Cirque du Soleil removed the photo in the next shows.

Laura Silverman, Cirque du Soleil tour spokeswoman,
replies to media queries.
Its world tour in China got pre-approved by the Culture
Ministry of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Lawyers Continue to Support Detained Jounalist

The arrest of Chen Baocheng, Caixin media journalist, and
seven villagers has close attention from the outside world.
A number of lawyers in China have headed for Pingdu
to provide legal assistance.

Currently, Pingdu police authorities have extended the
custody of Chen and the villagers for another 30 days.
They have also rejected their bail applications.

Lawyer Chi Susheng says that the police practices are
violating the law.

Meanwhile, lawyers gathered in Pingdu discovered
a local luxury neighborhood office building.
The lawyers call it “the most amazing neighborhood office”.
They have exposed it on the internet, attached with photos.

Religious Killing In Xinjiang

On August 15, a murder occurred in Turpan, Xinjiang.

A pro Chinese Communist Party (CCP) religious person
was killed in front of his house.

Radio Free Asia has reported that the deceased was Abdurehim
Damolla, vice chairman of Turpan Islamic Association.
No news was released from local police.

Reportedly, sources from the relevant CCP departments
say that two of the three suspects have been arrested.

The informant also reveals that one month before his death,
Damolla was reminded to stop speaking for the CCP.
The CCP has recently required the Uighurs to
cut beard and not wear ethnic adornments.

The RFA news has quoted Dilixiati, spokesman for
World Uyghur Congress.
He says that they are verifying the reason with local people.

The CCP forcibly imposes mutual surveillance, and
whistle-blowing among local Uighurs.
This has caused a very tense situation locally.