【禁聞】中儲糧再爆「窩案」 牽出110「碩鼠」
















採訪/陳漢 編輯/李韻 後製/鍾元

China Sinograin Investigation Reveals 110 Corrupt Officials

Recently, scandals about China Grain Reserves Company,
also known as Sinograin, have been repeatedly exposed.
Media have revealed that Sinograin’s depot in Henan has
been involved in bribes, corruption and funds malpractice.
It has now been reported that there are 110 corrupt officials
who defrauded more than 700 million Yuan ($114 million).
It again unveiled Sinograin’s large corruption.

Mainland China’s Outlook Weekly magazine
reported that in this series of incidents,
some cases had been filed and judged.

However, many are still in the process of investigation.

At the end of 2011, Qiao Jianjun, manager of Sinograin’s
depot in Zhoukou, fled with 300 million Yuan ($50 million).
Henan court found, via investigation, that from June 2009
to July 2011, Qiao Jianjun colluded with grain businessmen,
which involved bribes of 237 million Yuan ($39 million).

Sources informed that during investigating
the Qiao case, the court constantly received
complaints corruption in the Henan depot.

It was identified that of the 51 depots in Sinograin’s
Henan branch, at least 35 of them are fraudulent.
They used false trading totaling some 28 million Jin
(25 million lb), and bribes of 700 million Yuan ($114 million).
110 people were investigated. Five of them used
bribes of more than 10 million Yuan ($1.6 million).
A further 10 people used bribes of
more than 5 million Yuan ($810,000).

Li Changxuan, former general manager of Sinograin’s
Henan branch accepted bribes from 65 people.
25 of them were directors of depots
under Henan branch’s management.
They embezzled a total of 3 million
Yuan ($500,000) of public funds.

Recently, Li Changxuan was given a life sentence,
with his wife and mistresses revealed as accomplices.
The state grain reserves was
turned into Li Changxuan’s Kingdom.

Liu Yinquan, a US-based Chinese historian,
comments that under the Chinese Communist
regime, social moral standards have declined.
In addition, in order to survive, the regime encourages
corruption, thus endless corruption cases appeared.

Liu Yinquan: “The dictatorship is
the leading cause of corruption.
Under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime,

there has neither been an independent constitution,
nor has there been freedom of expression.
In this case, corrupt officials can’t be instantly
exposed, and their greed has been deepening.”

From investigations, it was found that 4,200 companies
act as agent depots for Sinograin’s Henan branch.
When deliveries came in to some depots,
grain weight was purposefully underestimated.
Grain was then stolen, leading to severe grain deficits.

For example, in 2010, one grain depot agency
had 30,000 tons of reserved wheat stolen, which
had a value of 60 million Yuan ($9.8 million).
In 2011, depots of the Henan branch
had a total loss of 260,000 tons of grain.

Cai Ning, Director of Henan Court said that the central
government lacked supervision over Henan branch.
The loopholes gave the branch Directors an opportunity
for corruption, resulting in many such corruption cases.

Xing Tianxing, current affairs commentator:
“This problem always exists in the CCP system.
The railways ministry, oil ministry and Sinograin have
all seen the existence of similar serious problems.
Actually, it caused by the CCP dictatorship system.

It truly damaged the formation of a healthy
system, thus corruption has worsened.”

Xing Tianxing believes that exposure of these
corruption cases is only the tip of the iceberg.
It is not guaranteed that the authorities can
stop such corruption after the investigations.
Xing Tianxing stresses that without removing the
CCP system, corruption can never be resolved.

In late May, the central investigation team
arrived at Sinograin’s Heilongjiang depot.
Strangely, a severe fire then broke out,
spreading to over 80 grain storages.
The cause of the fire hasn’t been identified.

Following the incident, Shanxi’s cotton storage was set on
fire, and a total of 24,6000 tons of cotton were destroyed.
Observers, as well as public opinion, suggest the
fires were the result of conspiring corrupt officials
in Sinograin and the cotton storage, as a cover up.

Liu Yinquan said that the state enterprises were under
monopolization by elite groups in the central government.
If the authorities are really to track this down,
more shocking information will be revealed.
