【禁聞】薄案開審 「匯報表演」大戲正酣











去年8月,谷開來因為毒殺英國商人海伍德被判死緩﹔9月,中共當局公布薄熙來貪污腐敗、淫亂、 濫用職權等「六宗罪」,但是,如今只剩「三宗罪」。




採訪/秦越 編輯/李韻 後製/李勇

Opening Day of Bo Xilai Trial

On August 22 is the opening of the trial of
Bo Xilai, former Chongqing party Secretary
The trial takes place in Jinan, Shandong
Province, and Bo is facing three charges.
As expected, the indictment
didn't mention Bo's other crimes.
Analysts suggest the trial has been
rehearsed many times behind the scenes.
Now it will be formally performed in front of the public.
In other words, it is a kind of playback performance.
Lawyers speculate that Bo is likely
to be sentenced to 15 years in jail.

At 8.30am on August 22, Jinan
court announced the indictment.
Bo Xilai was accused of bribery,
corruption and abuse of power.
This includes taking 5 million Yuan
($800,000) in bribes in Dalian.
It said that Bo took advantage of his position.

Bo accepted bribes of 20 million Yuan ($3.3 million), either
personally, or via his wife Gu Kailai and son Bo Guagua.
The court accused Bo of abuse of his power in
connection with Gu Kailai's murder case, as well
as Chongqing vice mayor Wang Lijun's defection.

Liu Weizhong, a Tianqian District citizen who
attended court, said that Bo is very craft in court.
His responses to the key issues were,
“I can't remember”, “I didn't know”,
“nothing to do with me” or “I admitted
to accept bribes was against my will.”
Liu said that Bo Xilai camouflaged himself very well.

Netizens noticed that the two bailiffs who
escorted Bo were much taller than Bo.
They looked two meters tall, as Bo is 1.86 meters tall.

Some people enlarged a photo from court, and found that
the two bailiffs' identifications read the same number, 372078.
Netizens joked that the trial is for show only.

Jiang Tianyong, activist lawyer in Mainland China:
“They publicized information about the trial and procedures,
because they have been through long internal practices.
After several rehearsals, they began to perform,
so it is a kind of a playback performance.”

Jiang pointed out that although Bo Guagua has been
involved in Bo's case, they won't investigate him.
They are instead using him as a condition.

This is because Bo Xilai has been reportedly involved in
other severe crimes, which the indictment didn't mention.

Jiang Tianyong: “Gu Kailai killed
people, but didn't Bo Xilai know?
How is it possible that Bo hasn't been involved in it?

Being a top man in Chongqing, as well as leading an
“anti-corruption” movement, resulted in serious problems.
He is likely to have been involved in other crimes.

In addition, Bo has suppressed
people』s beliefs for many years.
He has committed numerous crimes that
remain unmentioned by the authorities.

Following the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai incidents
last year, numerous reports about Bo Xilai,
Gu Kailai and Zhou Yongkang have surfaced.
These include plotting a military coup, murder,
live organ harvesting, and trafficking corpses.

Some media reported that more than 50,000 people
had been arrested during Bo's tenure in Chongqing.
Later, more than 30,000 of them were
released as they couldn't be prosecuted.
After Bo's downfall, several tens of thousands of
people went to appeal for their mistreatment by Bo.

Foreign media state the Bo family have been involved
in the largest known corruption in the CCP's history.
They transferred 6 billion Yuan ($980 million) overseas.

Recently, media has exposed a villa in France belonging
to the Bo family, which is worth €2.2 million ($2.9million).

In August 2012, Gu Kailai, was given a suspended death
sentenced for murdering British Businessman Neil Heywood.
In September 2012, Bo Xilai was accused of
crimes including bribery, corruption, improper
relations with women and abuse of power.
Only three charges were mentioned in the indictment.

Jiang Tianyong: “Actually, the authorities
are covering up Bo's crimes.
In many ways, what Bo has done also
reflects what the CCP has committed.
Thus the CCP has no way to investigate and punish Bo.
“Singing Red, Fighting Corruption” continues in China.
Although the authorities denied Bo,
his Chongqing model is still being used.”

Zhang Jian, US-based China affairs expert:
“Regarding Bo Xilai's participation in live organ harvesting,
to give him 10 death penalties would still not be enough.
Why couldn't this be achieved?
Because the CCP system is corrupt.
The CCP wouldn't sentence him to death to return
the justice to the country, to make people happy.”

Bo's trial is ongoing, and sources said
that the trial is scheduled for two days.
Jinan court will issue four press briefs.

Jiang Tianyong speculates that according to the CCP
indictment, Bo is likely to be sentenced to 15 years in jail.