【禁聞】暴力強拆引民怨 各地群眾事件激化














採訪編輯/ 張天宇 後製/鍾元

Forced Demolitions Intensify "Mass Incidents"

"Mass incidents" or massive protests over forced demolitions
continue to occur in Mainland China in recent years.
According to official surveys, more and more civilians have
adopted extreme methods to protest forced demolitions
by local governments.

Analysts say local governments rely on taking land for revenue.

As debts continue to increase, local governments
will use any means to attain their goals, which can only
intensify conflicts and lead to a larger scale of confrontation.

In China, if you ask petitioners why they petition, at least half
of all petitioners will reply, "forced demolition."
In other words, land acquisition and resettlement
has become one of China's most obvious issues.
Particularly notable are the violent cases, which have led to
rapidly increasing mass protests in recent years.

Huang Qi, founder of human rights website 64Tianwang:
"From 2006 till now, all mass protests showed a sharp upturn.
Since 2011, we know that over 60% of mass protesters
are farmers protesting the land acquisition issue."
Since first tasting the sweet profits from land grabs in 2000,
China's local governments can no longer turn back.
Thus, the vigorous demolition campaign was launched
in various rural areas .

Chinese activist Hu Jia: "Local governments use state-control
apparatus as tools for land acquisition, instead of maintaining

All local governments gain their land by forced acquisition.

They use the courts and police to open the way to allow
farmers to be violently removed.
They pay very low prices for the land, but sell to developers
for dozens or even over 100 times the original price.
It would be startling to know how much of that falling into
the pockets of corrupt officials.

Forced demolitions have led to many cases of suicide in China,
such as the self-immolation incident in Sichuan,
and suicide of four farmers in Hongjiang, Hunan province.

Huang Qi: "When common folks take up various tactics to
confront officials, they only do it after various channels
for petition have failed.

In other words, they have run out of recourse.

Thus, from 2006 to the present, suicidal cases due to forced
demolitions have sharply risen."

Hu Jia: "Some drank pesticide and some hanged themselves.
Some jumped into a well or into a river.
I think things like this happen every day in China ."

Although suicide over demolitions continue,
officials are rarely punished for them, and Mainland Chinese
media outlets are forbidden from reporting such incidents.

When people found suicide no longer working, they began
to unite together and fought back with homemade weapons.
For a time, clashes between police and civilians continued,
while the scale of protests also increased.

Hu Jia:"Chinese people are mostly good, but sometimes they
are kind and weak.
However, I believe that there are many passionate Chinese
and they would intensify the conflicts.
If you don't allow people to survive, they have no other choice
but to take the risk.
As more people are affected, more people will be aware.

Many farmers will team up with human rights groups to resist."

Gradually the people know how to cherish their own lives,
and they will not continue to commit suicide.
People will unite together and organize to resist
forced demolition and protect their land.
Recently, news about people being crushed by
demolition machinery has appeared more frequently.

On August 28, 2013, a family in Fujian Province tried to save
their home, and their four-year-old girl was killed by a bulldozer.
In March, 2013, two farmers from Henan and Hubei were
killed by construction machines.
In this regard, commentators say that the more forced
demolitions and the more cruel the methods,
the larger the scale of protests that will appear,
and the CCP will soon taste its own medicine.