












採訪編輯/秦雪 後制/李勇

US Lawyer Critiques China's Judicial Interpretation for Online Posts

Recently, China's supreme court and top procuratorate
jointly issued an interpretation on new measures.
It claims that internet users can face charges,
or a jail sentence, if their online posts are read
5,000 times, or if they are reposted 500 times.

This judicial interpretation has caused
widespread debate amongst netizens.
It has also questioned by legal
professionals inside and outside China.
US lawyers have highlighted that
the interpretation is very absurd.
It is deemed a typical example of authorities suppressing
civilians, and using politicized private prosecution.
In the US, an important principle of freedom of speech
is that people will not be charged with defamation if
they report on any official, except if it is "actual malice".

New York lawyer Li Jinjin said that
defamation is an extension of civil law.
It is rare to see someone was charged with defamation.

Li is not also aware of anyone who
has been sentenced for defamation.

Li Jinjin: "Private prosecution
is a prerequisite for defamation.
It can be handled only upon complaint.

Who is the prosecutor? In China, it is
obvious that the prosecutors are officials.
People are likely to have reported
information on a corrupt government official.
This results in an impact on the Chinese regime's officials.

Actually, in China, the authorities made it as civil cases,
at the time of campaign to suppress online rumors.
This is a political act."

Li Jinjin said that the important point about this is
that people's complaints should be a good thing.
It helps a country supervise it's government officials.
However, now people can face defamation charges.

The judicial interpretation states that an internet
user could face defamation charges if his post
reaches a defined quota of views or re-posts.

Criminal Law stipulates this is if the circumstances
are serious enough, a crime is committed.
Li Jinjin believes that the supreme court intends
to use 5,000 views or 500 reposts to achieve
the status of "serious circumstances".

Li Jinjin: "I can't understand how the supreme court
classified 500 reposts as a "serious circumstance"?
What is this according to? If it has
499 or 501 reposts, does it count?
Where does 500 come from?

The outcome seems to be aiming to achieve
the purpose of controlling public opinion.
This is a threat, and is suppression.
The supreme court's act is ridiculous."

Li Jinjin said that now is the internet era, and it
is easy for an event to be reposted 500 times.
China has a large population, and
social networks are very developed.
This is a very common issue.

Li Jinjin said the most important point is that defamation
and freedom of speech can never be separated in China.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean that if something
is correct according to a regime, you are allowed
to say it, and if it is not correct, you cannot say it.

Li Jinjin: "This is especially on political issues.
There is no clear concept for what the right thing is.
Politics is partisan, and a group of people's interests.

Only a minority have rights to express their opinion.

The truth is not determined by any one person,
as it is created from different opinions."

There is a fundamental principle of freedom
of speech in the US, based on the case of
The New York Times v. Sullivan in 1964.

The US Supreme Court established an
"actual malice" standard from this case.
This standard has to be met before a press report about
public officials or public figures be considered defamation.
Hence, this has allowed free reporting on
civil rights campaigns, and is one of the
key decisions supporting freedom of press.

Li Jinjin: "This is fundamental concept
of freedom of the press in the US.
If the Chinese regime uses state power against
critics and to protect its officials, then the
supreme court is complicit with this evil force."

Li Jinjin was a policeman, and
served in army in the 1970s in China.
Li studied in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
in 1978, then studied in Peking University for PhD in 1978.
He participated in the Tiananmen Square
students sit-in protest in 1989, when former
communist leader Hu Yaobang died.

He was one of students' representative who
raised seven requirements to the regime leader.
After the incident, he was arrested,
and released in April in 1991.
Li traveled to US study in 1993.

He earned his law degree in 1998 at the University of
Wisconsin, and currently serves as a lawyer in New York.