【禁聞】中共呼籲「去美國化」 反曝自己命門



在這種背景下,《 新華社》13號的評論文章說,美國的政客沒能達成妥協,好讓他們引以為自豪的政體恢復正常運轉,這也許是全球「開始考慮建立去美國化世界的好時機」。






美國南加州大學公共政策博士 葉科:「如果美國政府真的哪天它沒有起到世界警察維護世界正常秩序作用的話,自然會有其他的替代力量。但是最不可能是中共這樣一個肆意鎮壓百姓、殘害生命的邪惡政權。」










採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/陳建銘

CCP Urges De-Americanization, Exposing Its Own Weakness

The U.S. government is still on "shut down".

The approaching financial turbulence
has triggered global concerns.
At this critical moment, the Chinese Communist Party
state-controlled Xinhua News Agency has called
for the establishment of a new international order.

It has called for de-Americanization.

In retaliation, U.S. media said that China lacks the
necessary conditions to lead the global economy.
Let's look at the story.

It has been three weeks since
the US federal government closed.
The two parties failed to reach an agreement on the budget.

There is no sign of the House
and Senate making an agreement.
There is global concern over US
debt default during the last few days.

Xinhua News Agency commented that U.S. politicians
failed to restore their honorable regime to normal operation.
It might be a good time to consider the
establishment of a de-Americanized world.

The article also accused the U.S.
of abusing it's superpower status.
It said the U.S. transfer financial
risk, and provoke regional disputes.
It called for global financial reform,
including introducing a new international
reserve currency to replace the dollar.

The White House responsed to the CCP media report.

For hundreds of years, the United States
government has always paid their debts.

The Washington Post also said that there
is no indication that China really wants to
replace the U.S. global leadership quickly.

It can be even said that they
almost do not believe they can do it.
Actually the CCP feels panic over the US default.

It is understood that China holds
$1.28 Trillion of US Treasury Bonds.

Dr Ye Ke, Public Policy expert from the University of Southern
California, considers that there is no replacement for the dollar.
The U.S. is also irreplaceable.

Dr Ye Ke: "There might be a replacement for the U.S.
if they can't maintain the normal order as global police.
The most impossible replacement is the CCP,
because it represses people, and destroyed lives."

Dr Ye Ke said it's an opportunity for western governments
to realize that the CCP is a regime with no moral bottom line.

Dr Ye Ke: "It reflects that CCP enjoys gloating.

It adds insult to injury, which is consistent
with its long-term anti-American stance."

Chinese entrepreneur Zhu Keming also points out
that China's economic development is not balanced.
Due to declining morality in China, it is blocking its own
progress in the world, much less is it taking over the U.S.

Zhu Keming: "China replacing America is a funny
issue. As people know, China's economy is unstable.
In addition, its economic control is in accordance with
CCP political interests, which have always been unstable."

Zhu Keming believes that the peak of China's
economic development relied on its consumers,
and on the manufacturing of products.

On this point, the CCP is not
qualified to lead the world economy.

Xinhua News criticized that the US government said
they can represent lofty moral standards in the world.
It said now is the time to reshuffle the world order.

Ye Ke says that whether the US government
is closed or opened reflects public opinion.
If the public believe that the government are over spending
taxpayers' money, they will let the government close.
However, in China, no matter how hard a life civilians
may suffer, the regime still builds luxury office buildings.
CCP officials still drive luxury cars.

Forbes highlights that it is impossible
for China to lead the global economy.
China really lacks four conditions that
make its economic growth sustainable.
The essential condition to lead the global
economy is genuine entrepreneurship.
It needs the right cocktail of markets and
government, and a new business mindset.
China seems to currently lack all of these.

On September 20, Niu Dao, a financial commentator
in China, published an article on a microblog.
Niu said that an unprecedented
economic crisis has arrived in China.
Many regimes' power collapsed when a
huge amount of bank notes were printed.
Since 2009, the CCP began printing
great amounts of bank notes.
This move has completely plundered national wealth.
It is dangerous, and it is the worst financial monopoly.