




劉萍案開庭前 關鍵證人被拘



傳中朝邊境發生事故 兩直升機墮毀




廣西近百拆遷戶堵路抗議 遭鎮壓

10月26號,廣西柳州市近百拆遷戶拉橫幅堵路,抗議當局暴力強拆。當局出動特警鎮壓, 20多人被抓捕。

據《自由亞洲電臺》報導,週五中午,大批由城管、市拆遷辦、警察、防暴隊等人員組成的強拆隊,前往柳州市魚峰區榮軍路五裡橋一帶強拆民房,多名城管將一名 熟睡中的戶主強行拖出,並用石塊砸暈反抗的戶主,引發周邊有同樣遭遇的拆遷戶集體抗議,他們拉著橫幅、堵塞道路,造成交通癱瘓。



Chen Yongzhou’s Case Has A Political Element

Recently, Chen Yongzhou, reporter of Guangzhou-based
Xinkuaibao newspaper was arrested.
Now the incident has a dramatic twist.

Chen appeared on China’s Central TV in handcuffs and
shaved head, wearing prisoner uniform.
He publicly admitted his crimes.

The Xinkuaibao published front page articles on two
consecutive issues urging"Please Release Him!"
However, on Oct. 27, the newspaper published an apology
on its front page.
The dramatic change aroused public discussion.

Bloomberg reported:"CCTV’s broadcast of Chen’s alleged
confession and the newspaper’s apology’ makes a complete
mockery of this ‘China is a country under rule of law’."

The report cited a founder of a website:"You don’t get a
confession on CCTV unless there is a political element to it."

Witness Detained Before Liu Ping’s Trial Started

Activists Liu Ping, Wei Zhongping and Li Sihua in Xinyu
City, Jiangxi, requested disclosure of officials’ assets.
Then they were alleged to have "illegally gathered", the trial
was scheduled to take place on the morning of Oct.28.

Some activists planed to go and give Liu support, but
they were stopped and harassed by local police.

Voice of America cited an overseas human rights website.

It said that Liu Xizhen, one of the key witnesses of Liu Ping’s
case was alleged to "disturb public order", then detained for
10 days from Oct. 26.

Two Helicopters Crash At Border Of China
And North Korea

Molihua.org reported that on Oct. 26, two helicopters in
Dandong, Liaoning fell from the air and crashed.
Many armed police blocked the site and nearby roads.

The local peoples’ travel was prohibited. All related news
releases were blocked.

The report cited sources that the reason of the crash is because
an accident occurred at the border.

Dandong City and Sinuiju of North Korea is separated by
Yalu River.
The report said because the situation remained tense in the
Korean peninsula, China has many military forces in Dandong.

Guangxi Residents Blocked Road Against Demolition

On Oct. 26, In Liuzhou City, Guangzhou, at least one hundred
residents held banners and blocked a road due to their homes
being demolished.

Many police came to suppress the protest and
more than 20 protesters were arrested.

Radio Free Asia reported that on Friday afternoon, many quasi
para-police, city demolition officers, police and riot police
formed a demolition team.

They went to Yufeng District, Liuzhou City to
forcibly destroy residential houses.
Many quasi para-police dragged a house owner from the
house, throwing stones at him who was defending his property .
It provoked other residents’ protests, as they also suffered
the demolition.
The protesters held banners and blocked the roads.
It caused traffic jams.

The regime sent special police to escort the thugs out,
and suppressed the protesters.