【禁聞】陳永洲事件時間點不尋常 誰在背後起作用?





時事評論員任百鳴:「每個報紙、報系都有他自己的的勢力範圍,對它進行支撐。但這次亮劍非常鋒芒,但是收劍又特別的快。整個過程讓外界來不及過多的反應, 主動認罪、投降,後面撐不住。」









時事評論員藍述: 「隨著18屆三中全會的靠近,各個利益集團之間,抓的這些人,已經是遠遠的不止打擊官員了,這裡面牽扯到了官員背後,罩著的那些跟官員有關係的盤根錯節的經濟實體。」


採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Chen Yongzhou Incident Unusual,
Who's Influencing behind the Scenes?

The New Express published commentaries
on its front page twice last week, urging the police
to release detained reporter Chen Yongzhou,
which gained the attention and sympathy from society,
especially a sentence saying: We have backbones.

But, as soon as Chinese Central TV (CCTV) got involved,
New Express not only apologized, but its president,
vice president, and chief editor were fired by the
Yangcheng Evening News Group that owns New Express.

On 19th October, Chen Yongzhou, reporter of New Express in
Guangzhou Province was under criminal arrest by police
in Hunan Province for reporting on the scandal of Zoomlion,
a company in Hunan.
On Oct. 23 and 24, New Express published on its front page
“Please release him”, and “Please release him, again”.
Chen Yongzhou's case has soon become
a big news incident gaining international focus.

But, since CCTV aired the confession of Chen Yongzhou
on 26th October, the situation suddenly changed.
New Express and the China Journalists Association
soon published letters of apology.

On 30th October, Hunan police formally arrested Chen Yongzhou.

The Guangzhou Radio And TV Bureau revoked
Chen's reporter certificate, and required Yangcheng Evening
News Group to rectify New Express thoroughly.

Political commentator Ren Baiming: Every newspaper
and newspaper chain has its sphere of influence to support it.
But the authority's response to it was very strong and fast.

The whole process didn't give any time for
the outside world to respond.
Chen couldn't stand it by the end, confessed and surrendered.

According to a public source, Zoomlion is China's second
largest heavy equipment manufacturer partially owned by
the government of Hunan Province.

It has a big influence in the political and legal system.

Hong Kong media Apple Daily says, Zoomlion chairman's
father, Zhan Shunchu, was the former president of
Hunan People's High Court.

The chairman's father in-law, Wan Da, was former deputy
secretary of the Hunan provincial committee.
Zoomlion vice president Sun Changjun's father in-law
was the former secretary of the Hunan provincial committee.
Also, the son of party secretary of The State Administration
of Radio Film and Television of China works at Zoomlion.
Zoomlion is called the backyard of the Chinese Communist
Party's (CCP) official second generation.

Ren Baiming: Now, it's close to the time that Xi Jinping
deals with Zhou Yongkang.
The political background is very complicated
behind the New Express incident.

Ren Baiming indicates that some party mouthpiece media
have clearly challenged the authority in this case.
Thus, Xi Jinping is afraid of losing control of the media.

Ren also indicates that although Xi Jiping wants to rectify
the political and legal system, he'd like to use political
methods to control the internet and suppress online speech
to make sure the Third Plenary Session runs smoothly.

In fact, the struggle between Zoomlion and the Sany Group
is behind the incident of Chen Yongzhou.

The Sany Group is a private enterprise, also China's biggest
and the world's top 5 construction machinery manufacturer.
Sany is the world's biggest concrete machinery manufacturer.

Former president Hu Jintao and prime minister Wen Jiabao
all visited the Sany Group.
But the Sany Group was forced to move to Beijing last year,
under pressure from Zoomlion.

The dispute between Sany and Zoomlion
involves different powers.
The Chinese language media, Epoch Times in the US analyzes,
it violates Xi Jinping's “Dream of Constitution” for
Hunan police to arrest Chen Yongzhou.

But the Department of Propaganda, faction of Jiang Zemin,
broadcast Chen's confession on CCTV, which shows its
support to Hunan police, and once again belittle Xi Jinping.

They want to see how Xi is going to deal with the case.

Political commentator Lan Shu: As the Third Plenary Session
gets closer, the struggle between all interest groups has
already influenced the complicated economic
entity behind those officials.

Ren Baiming says the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
finds itself an unsolvable dilemma.
If the CCP doesn't collapse, the struggle and chaos
will keep on going.