【禁聞】青島爆炸後 居民政府廣場抗議

【新唐人2013年11月27日訊】青島爆炸後 居民政府廣場抗議
















Qingdao Residents Demand Safe Homes after Explosion

After the Sinopec pipeline explosion in Huangdao District of
Qingdao, Shandong, nearly a hundred local business owners
protested at the Huangdao government square on Nov 26th.

They demanded to relocate because of the damage they have
suffered from the explosion.

Holding banners stating "Give me a safe home" and
"Huangdao people strongly urge to move" they shouted,
"I want to live, I want to move." They demand the government
face the issue about the safety of residents.

There are a large number of police on guard at the protest.

According to online sources, local residents are ready to hold
a much larger scale protest on Saturday.

Caixin.com reported that some demonstrators have revealed
that there have been many chemical plants in Huangdao.
For years, these plants have released toxic gases and
pollutants and turned Huangdao into a chemical zone.
Though years of complaining to the government have passed,
nothing has been resolved.

Police beat Ding Jiaxi's Lawyer Cheng Hai

Cheng Hai is a Beijing human rights lawyer.

On 26 Nov, during his meeting with Ding Jiaxi, also a
human rights lawyer who is detained by the authorities,
Cheng Hai was beaten by the police.

His clothes were torn and his shoes were broken.

The police forcibly kept him for nearly five hours before
they released him.

Cheng Hai told the NTD reporter that all five members at the
detention center were involved in beating him, led by the
deputy director.

In accordance with Chinese law, with the approval of the
defendant, a lawyer is allowed to conduct recordings.
During this meeting, upon Ding's approval, Cheng Hai
recorded the conversation just like in previous meetings.
20 minutes into the meeting, the police interrupted them and
snatched Cheng's recording device and cell phone with the
excuse that Cheng had not obtained Ding's agreement to record.

The conflict took place and Cheng Hai was dragged out and
beaten then subsequently illegally detained.

Google CEO: Social media will drive Chinese liberalization.

Speaking at a London conference, Google CEO Eric Schmidt
said the rise of social media in China will lead to liberalization.

Schmidt addressed his opinion in a conference organized
by the independent policy institution Chatham House.
He said that with the rise of social media in China, and more
and more people go online, China's government will be
powerless to halt the changes and it will cause a liberalization.

The growing popularity of services like Weibo, and instant
messaging site WeChat will make censorship increasingly
difficult, he said.

Schmidt said the China's government simply cannot imprison
enough Chinese people, and won't be able to stop it even
if they don't like it.

Interview & Edit/ZhouYulin