














天量的貨幣投放,與銀行業持續錢荒,這種互相背離的現象,已經成為中國金融系統特有的怪異現象。 10月底,中共總理李克強表示,廣義貨幣供應量M2已經是GDP的兩倍,再多發票子就有可能導致通貨膨脹,以致破壞市場,甚至造成人心惶惶。



採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鍾元

You May Lose Everything from the Deposit Insurance System

Recently the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)
and People's Bank of China (Central Bank) of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) recently sent a message to accelerate
"Bank Bankruptcy Ordinance" and "Deposit Insurance System".
Experts pointed out that China's economy and banking system
have emerged with huge problems.
Beijing had to adopt the approach from the west.

However under the current system, the final result may be
the collapse of private banks and collecting the last bit of
people's money to large state-owned banks.

On December 9 China Securities Journal reported CBRC
Vice Chairman Yan Qingmin's statement at Beijing University
Economy And Wealth Forum.

"China's operations of non-credit business needs to improve,
and the CBRC is working on accelerating the launch of "Bank
Bankruptcy Ordinance".

If commercial banks' assets could not pay back debts,
they will exit.

On December 8 Central Bank vice president Liu Shiyu said
during sohu.net's annual forum held in Beijing: "Currently it
is a good time to launch the “Deposit Insurance System,"
which was expected for many years.
It will hopefully be launched in 2014.

China's financial think tank researcher Gong Shengli:
"The first reason is the increasing risk of China's economy;
Secondly, bankruptcy risk of the banking sector increased;
Thirdly, Chinese people worry that their money put in the
bank wont come back.
These three risks push Beijing to make countermeasures.
Some released policies were determined by
large corporations and banks."

China's real estate tycoon Ren Zhiqiang expressed during
the "Sohu Annual Forum" that the government's restless
intervention to the market in the past decade has caused
huge economic fluctuations and retrogression in many fields.
So its production structural adjustment was a step back
rather than making progress.

Chinese economist Mao Yushi said economic reform
cannot succeed without any major political change.
The country's progress is often ignored.

It is understood that China's "Deposit Insurance System"
is to first set up a "Deposit Insurance Fund" at the Financial
Stability Bureau reporting to the Central Bank.

It will be managed by the "Deposit Insurance Fund",
similar to the "Social Security Fund".
Independent deposit insurance companies will be set up
once the situation has matured.

Gong Shengli: "Market economy must have insurance.
It is good for the future.
People also feel it is safer to put their money into."

Gong Shengli thinks "Deposit Insurance System" is a blow
for private small and medium (SME) banks in China which
have been struggling to survive.

On one hand SME banks have higher risk factors than state-
owned banks, so they might pay higher insurance premiums
compared to large state-owned banks;

On the other hand, people might take their money away and
put it into large state-owned banks due to bankruptcy risks.
So SMEs are forced to raise interest to attract deposits,
thus reducing profit and increasing operating costs.

"China Business Network" analyzed that implementation
of the "Deposit Insurance System" signals the collapse of
some SME banks.

CCP's Central Financial Leadership Group Office Inspector
Fang Xinghai forecasted during the annual meeting of China's
Finance Network:"the possibility of a couple of SME banks
collapsing next year is high."

Then, for whom is China's so-called financial reform
in the current system?

China's financial investment advisers Zheng Zhiyao: "The
Insurance system is mainly for private banks, as collapse of
banks would lead to bankruptcy of the government.

Before the government goes bankrupt, it will make people
It is visible to see printing paper money and inflation.
What is invisible is saving the banks and the government."

High levels of money supply and continuous money shortage
have become China's unique issue of the financial system.
At the end of October, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said
that Quasi-money supply (M2) is already 200% of GDP.
More paper money will lead to inflation,
market disruption and even panic.

CBRC's latest data indicate as of end of Q3, the balance of
non-performing loans of China's commercial banks reached
563.6 billion yuan.

This is 70.7 billion yuan more compared with the start of
2013, with non-performing loan ratio of 0.97 percent,
0.01 percent higher than the end of Q2.

Non-performing loan ratio has increased
for seven consecutive quarters.

China's Banking And Investment Consultant Zheng Zhiyao
pointed out that much of banks' bad debts are covered by
overnight lending between banks.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhongYuan
