【禁聞】中共狠批「人肉搜索」 民批混淆概念


12月初,廣東一名高中女孩在購物時,被店主懷疑偷竊服裝,店主發微博請求網友對她進行「人肉搜索」, 第二天,這名女孩從一座橋上跳下身亡。中共媒體說,由於不堪壓力,這名女孩投河自盡。





南京「東南大學」法學院教授張讚寧不否認「人肉搜索」會有一些負面效應,但是對於不受監督的中共官場上的亂象,起到的卻是積極的監督和揭露的作用 。







時政評論員汪北稷指出,中國的媒體受中共專制的控制,失去了監督官員的作用, 而西方的媒體作為第四權力的補充,對公眾人物、官員等起到了無所不在的監督作用。



採訪編輯/李韻 後製/鍾元

China Communist mouthpiece misleads Chinese Cyber Manhunt

Cyber Manhunt (or Human Flesh Search) is a popular
online activity in mainland China.
The Chinese Communist mouthpiece CCTV blames
the Cyber Manhunt for a high school girl’s suicide.
China's state Internet regulator says the Cyber Manhunt
is Internet violent and illegal.
Commentators say the authorities try to mix up the concept
of the Cyber Manhunt with personal privacy and
smear its intention to cover up for the corrupt officials.

In early December, a Guangdong high school girl was
suspected of stealing in a clothing shop.
The owner issued a Cyber Manhunt for the girl.
The girl died from jumping off a bridge the next day.
The media says the girl drowned herself over unbearable

On Dec. 16, one of CCTV's programs
condemned the Cyber Manhunt.
On Dec. 17, China's Internet Affairs Bureau deputy chief
Liu Zhengrong said the Cyber Manhunt is
an Internet violence and is immoral and illegal.

Liu Zhengrong warns that those who initiate Cyber Manhunts
will be subject to prosecution.
Websites are also held accountable for hosting such activities.

Human rights lawyer Tang Jingling says the Cyber Manhunt
originally targeted corrupt officials.
He says he regime deliberately mixes the concept
with personal privacy as a guise to confuse the public.

Tang Jingling, Human rights lawyer: "The Communist
officials clearly neglected the fact that the Cyber Manhunt
was targeting corruption.

Speaking of privacy, they cross the lines between the privacy,
and the opposing corruption and exposing scandals.
They are under different standards and protections."

Law school professor Zhang Zanning agrees with the cyber
hunt's positive effect of whistleblowing on chaotic Communist
officials even though there is certain negative effect.

Zhang Zanning, Law School professor of Southeast University,
Nanjing: "For example, the illegal conducts of the officials
such as with prostitutes, mistresses; the famous director
Zhang Yimou’s many concubines and children, and so forth.
They were revealed only because of the cyber hunt.

I believe in the positive side of the activity to curb corruption
and reveal the truth to the public."

The Chinese Cyber Manhunt began when the Nanjing housing
official Zhou Jiugeng’s incident was exposed.
Zhou Jiugeng was sacked after the search on-line about his
behavior in smoking expensive cigarettes and
wearing name brand luxurious watches.

The Cyber Manhunt has exposed countless Communist officials
involved in corruption and scandals,
such as Chongqing Party Secretary Lei Zhengfu’s sex scandal,
Shaanxi official Yang Dacai’s 83 luxurious watches,
the prostitution case of five Shanghai judges’s,
Central compilation and translation bureau chief
Yi Junqing’s sex scandal, and former Reform Commission
deputy director Liu Tienan’s bribery case.

Tang Jingling: "In fact, the Cyber Manhunt collects
information on corrupt officials through the Internet.
This is not illegal, but a normal and righteous activity,
which ought to be encouraged."

Tang Jingling stresses personal privacy is protected by law.

However, cyber hunt against officials or public figures for
their scandals is not illegal.

Zhang Zanning: "I don’t think there is issue of privacy to a
public figure, and I believe other countries have similar rule.
Personal privacy of ordinary people needs to be protected.

The officials’ personal issues should be open to the public
and supervised by the people.
I believe with proper conduct, the Cyber Manhunt should not
generate any negative effects of concern."
Commentator Wang Beiji says China's media is controlled by
the Communist dictatorship and have lost their role of
supervision, while the Western media, as a supplement to the
fourth power, have the ubiquitous supervisory function to
their public figures and officials.

Wang Beiji, commentator: "That’s why in the West, it would
not necessarily entirely rely on the Internet.
In China, people have no rights to vote, no supervision power
entitled by the constitution, but the Internet to search and
to expose.
Of course, there are many incidents not revealed yet."

The Cyber Manhunt has become the anti-corruption tool for
the Chinese.
Many Communist officials have been sacked due to the
Internet exposure.
The regime has also conducted multiple activities to restrict
the cyber hunt; cracking down on so-called Internet rumors,
silencing influential microbloggers,
arresting outspoken netizens,
and even issuing a law stating, that bloggers with posts
shared 500 times are subject to detention.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/Zhong Yuan