【禁聞】法學教授諶洪果辭職 發公開聲明

【新唐人2013年12月24日訊】法學教授諶洪果辭職 發公開聲明





「南樂教案」聲援者 再遭警方毆打






四大銀行三千多失業行員 北京維權





Law Professor Chen Hongguo's Public Resignation Statement

On Dec. 23 Chinese constitutional scholar, Chen Hongguo,
associate professor at Shanxi's Northwest University of
Politics published an open letter resigning from the university
through his microblog.

In the open letter he said that, for attending an academic
conference at the 'Chinese University of Hong Kong', he
was discouraged by the school on his way to the airport, and
criticized by the school when he returned.
His Hong Kong and Macau pass was also cancelled and
he was rejected from having a private passport.

Chen Hongguo revealed that, his normal academic exchange
or lectures are all interfered with in many ways, meaning that
many legal and normal academic activities couldn't continue.

Chen Hongguo said that, as a law teacher, he cannot even
protect his own rights, so he cannot face the students.

'Nanle Religion Incident' Supporters Beaten Again by Police

The 'Nanle Religion Incident' has been ongoing for some
time in Henan Province.
The lawyers were disrupted on Dec. 23 when Chinese
Christians, lawyers and human rights activists who went to
Nanle to support pastor Zhang Shaojie were again beaten
and stopped by Nanle police.
More than 100 Christians were forcibly taken away
and held in Nanle County Police Station.

Zhang Shaojie's attorney Xia Jun told the NTD reporter that,
he was besieged in Zhang Shaojie's home and couldn't go out.
Xia Jun said that their liberty, personal security and human
rights are all trampled on.

Christian missionary Cao Nan who went from Shenzhen to
Nanle in support, was also forcedly pulled off the car and
beaten, sustaining more than 10 wounds on his neck and face.

He was also taken to the police station, held in a cage,
and suffered a pepper spray attack.

Zhang Shaojie is Henan Nale County Christian 'Three-Self
Patriotic Movement Committee' Chairman.
On Nov. 16, because of land disputes, Zhang was taken away
by more than 10 policemen, and held until now.
In the past month, lawyers and fellow Christians from the
country who went to visit have all been blocked and treated
violently by the local police.

According to the information from the netizens, Nanle
authority has already blockaded the junction of Nanle,
to stop the fellow Christians and lawyers from
entering and leaving Nanle.

Unemployed Petitioners from Four Major Banks go to Beijing

On December 23, more than 3,000 workers who were forced
to retire in the four major banks in China returned to Beijing.

They protested in front of Beijing's Banking Regulatory
Commission (BRC).
The regime sent mass police and buses who waited to
arrest protesters.
The police sat outside Beijing's BRC and major banks.

The protesters said that at least 300 of them were taken to
Jiujingzhuang black jail.

Wu Lijuan, unemployed worker who was forced to leave
'Industry and Commercial Bank of China' (ICBC), spoke
to Sound of Hope International Radio Station.

He said that, the areas around Beijing BRC, ICBC Head
Office, and 'Chinese Construction Bank'(CCB) Head Office,
were full of police cars, policemen and plainclothes officers.

Unemployed workers from the four major banks: ICBC, CCB,
Bank of China and Agricultural Bank of China, petitioned
already from Nov. 20, 2008.

Their main demands are: to restore the labor relations and
compensate for economic losses during the buyout period.
However, the problem was not solved, the petitioners were
even arrested by the authority.
