【禁聞】習近平「親民」秀 說明甚麼?

【新唐人2013年12月31日訊】新疆喀什流血事件 官民說法不一







習近平「親民」秀 說明甚麼?



天安門自殺訪民 被逐出醫院






Xinjiang Kashi Bloodshed Incident: Officials and People
Disagree on the Facts

Xinjiang local 'Tian Shan Net' reported on December 30th,
that a so-called 'Attack' incident happened in Xinjiang
Kashi Shache County, at around 6 am.

However, a citizen who lives close to Shache County Public
Security Bureau (PSB), told NTD that, the report saying that
people threw explosives or set fire on police cars was not true.

The report said, 8 of the 9 attackers were killed and one was
However, the report did not explain why the attack happened.

This citizen said that he lives less than 100 meters from
Shache County PSB.
He neither heard the explosion nor saw police cars on fire.

The Uighurs who were killed, had only thrown a few glass
bottles and bricks, and then were killed.

However, this citizen said that, he did not know why those
Uighurs threw glass bottles at the County PSB.

According to VOA report, oversea Uighur organization
'World Uighur Congress' spokesman Dilixiati said on the
same day that he currently does not know much information
about this incident.

Dilixiati said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) usual way
of handling this kind of incident are;
Firstly to block the information, to stop the outside world from
knowing the reasons behind the incident;
Secondly intentionally avoiding the reasons behind protests, by
killing these people straight away and calling them terrorists.

Xi Jinping 'Close to People' Show, Means What?

The news that Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi
JinPing ate buns at a Beijing street restaurant, has been a hot
topic among the mainland media in the past two days.

The CCP media 'People's Daily' and 'Global Times' published
editorial comments applauding the 'Close to People' move.

However, some netizens said: such 'close to people' move
creating such a stir, just indicates how far China is away
from democracy.

Tiananmen Suicide Petitioners were Expelled from Hospital

On December 29th, six petitioners from across China
attempted suicide because of different grievances.
They drank pesticide, after distributing flyers at
Beijing Tiananmen Square.
Five petitioners who were sent to Beijing 'Tongren Hospital'
were expelled from the hospital on December 30th, including
a woman who was nine months pregnant.

According to 'Radio Free Asia' report, this woman said that,
after she drank the pesticide, 'Tongren Hospital' did not give
her medical treatment, she found a clinic by herself to wash
out her stomach.

She said that, on December 16th, she already drank pesticide
once at Tiananmen Square, and was sent to Beijing Hospital.
That night she was thrown out of the hospital which
did not give her treatment.

She also revealed that, on Tiananmen Square, there are people
committing suicide by drinking pesticide every day.
On the 29th, after the six of them drank pesticide, there were
another three people who drank pesticide for suicide there as
well, who were also sent to 'Tongren Hospital'.
