【禁聞】銀行或將破產 你準備好了嗎﹖





大陸企業評論人士文瑞:「在危機時刻,他們也可能採取斷尾巴的模式,斷掉這個尾巴,自己求生存,為了把不良資產處理掉,它有可能讓它破產,存款大頭的損失可能會甩掉它, 把不良資產打包,交給市場去處理掉,實際上也是轉化危機,另外一個,從人員方面,它陸陸續續的甩出去。」






與此同時,部份城市已經債臺高築。南京銀行的研究報告顯示,西寧與蘭州兩地政府發債的「城投債」,去年餘額規模與財政收入比,已經超過300%,而伊春、南寧、湖州、南京等城市的比例也都超過100%,鎮江、合肥則超過90% 。



隨著「美聯儲」宣佈,從今年1月開始逐漸退出「量化寬鬆(QE) 」。經濟學家們估計,將有更多企業離開中國,使中國經濟危機加劇。

採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

China's Economic Crisis Intensifies, Are You Ready?

Mainland China recently launched bank bankruptcy rules
and deposit insurance systems.
Meanwhile there are plans to pilot private banks only
funded by private capital.
Bank bankruptcy has become a hot topic in financial sectors.

Economists say although the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) wouldn't like to accept the international voice about
China's economy going down in recent years, the data and
huge money supply can't stop the economic laws.
The CCP doesn't want to take care of the bad debts of
Banks, and is trying to find a way out.

The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)
recently announced that China will pilot private banks
that carry their own risks.

Shi Yuzhu, boss of Minsheng Bank, China's first private bank,
soon posted on Weibo.
He indicated that new private banks will not be fully licensed,
meaning their business scope will be very narrow.
Even their region of operation will be restricted
to a very small area.
So, he thinks it's not very meaningful to
launch private banks now.

Vice chairman of CBRC, Yan Qingmin, recently indicated
that the CBRC is accelerating the introduction of bank
bankruptcy rules, meaning the nation will not take care
of commercial banks balances. Banks will go bankrupt.

Deposit insurance companies will cover the losses of
the depositors within limits.

According to current information, depositors can get 500,000
yuan compensation at most for a single account.
Deposits that exceeds the limit will not be compensated.

Wen Duan, mainland industry commentator: "During crises,
they're likely to take the model of 'cutting the tail off', meaning
cutting the dead tail off so the body survives.
In order to get rid of the bad assets, they may let banks go
bankrupt. The major part of the deposit will be got rid of, and
the bad asset will be given to the market.
It's a way to transfer a crisis. It can also get rid of the staff."

China Merchants Bank announced on December 24 2013
that CMB board passed a proposal after consideration, on
how to do self-clearing under the premise of not putting the
financial system at risk.

Problems that have been seen in mainland banks for
a long time broke out many times this year:
Bad debt balances and NPL ratio have both increased.
Money shortages caused by interest rate hikes.
Large amounts of funds are loaned to real estate industry.

local governments' financing platforms raised the real estate
bubble, making local debt grow bigger and bigger. 

According to the latest data from CBRC, bad debt of Chinese
commercial banks hit 563.6 billion yuan by the third quarter.
This was increasing by 70.7 billion yuan compared
to the beginning of the year.
It's the 7th quarter that has contuously increased.

Mr. Deng, Chinese economy scholar:"Now we have economy
bubble, real estate bubble, a potential economic crisis coming.
Corruption has damaged the society, ruling foundation,
people's trust, and the environment.
Environment pollution and all kind of problems
will become a trigger."

The housing prices of four China's first tier cities raised by
20%,and 26 major cities raised by10%.
But among third and fourth tier cities,
there were 50 ghost cities.

Meanwhile, some cities have very high debt.

A research report by Nanjing Bank shows that governments
of Xining and Lanzhou had city to vote bonds exceeding last
years revenue by 300%;

Yinchun, Nanning, Huzhou, and Nanjing City also exceeded
100%; Zhenjiang and Hefei exceeded 90%.

Ren Zhongdao, mainland financial analyst:
"Let's take real estate as an example.
The real estate bubble is getting bigger and bigger.
It totally relies on money to support the bubble.
Once the money is withdrawn, the real estate will surely
collapse, and then other industries will be impacted including
banks, downstream businesses, and building materials etc."

Following China's economic failure,
foreign companies will pull out of China.
Five multinational corporations left China
last year between May to July.
French cosmetics company L'Oreal decided to let its brand
Garnier pull out of China at the beginning of this year.
L'Oreal's competitor Revlon, an American company, stated
they were pulling out of the Chinese market cutting 1100 jobs. 

Federal Reserve announced that the US will gradually pull
back quantitative easing (QE) from this January.
This will make more industries leave China, and intensify
China's economic crisis, economists say.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/XiaoYu