【禁聞】「不合作」的崔健 獲各界稱讚















採訪/易如 編輯/張天宇 後製/孫寧

Cui Jian Praised for Refusing CCTV New Year Show

The Chinese rock singer Cui Jian has rejected an invitation to perform at the Chinese Communist Party Spring Festival Eve Gala TV Show.

Cui Jian is standing against censorship, and his decision has received wide support among Chinese people.They have expressed their appreciation
and admiration toward Cui Jian's insistence. Another rock star said, "thanks to Cui Jian, for saving the last bit of face of rock! You set the standard for us."

On Friday, Cui Jian's agent spoke to an NTD reporter.

The song Cui Jian had intended to sing at the show, "Yiwu Suoyou"(Nothing to my Name) was not accepted.Cui Jian refused to sing the one arranged by CCTV, and therefore turned down his invitation.

Cui Jian's decision has been widely supported by Chinese fans, artists, academics, and the media.

Yang Weidong, Beijing artist and independent filmmaker: "I think this is the most basic conscience as an artist.This is the most powerful expression of his stance and free will as an artist, under the current situation in China.Contemporary artists who are considered successful would lose their voice, once they became connected with money.I believe this is setting up a very good example to artists in China today."

Wu Hongfei is a Beijing-based rock band lead singer who was charged by the regime for his speeches last year.He commented on Weibo: "Thanks to Cui Jian, for saving the last bit of face of rock. Not everyone survives by relying on compromise and flattery… thank you, you set the standard for us.I have always believed that literature and music have a moral standard, which includes non-cooperation."

52 year old Cui Jian performed in 1989 at Tiananmen Square, to show his support to the students who were on a hunger strike to protest for democracy in China.

His hit song, "Yiwu Suoyou" was widely sung by the students in the Square.
Since then, Cui Jian has also been suppressed by the regime.

Cheng Cunzhu, democratic activist in Los Angeles: "Cui Jian is a symbol of 1989.
His voice conveys the voices of 1989."

Ye Kuangzheng, poet and culture critic: "Cui Jian has been regarded as the conscience of Chinese music all these years. His strength to rebel has been regarded as an important source of Chinese rock and roll spirit. For years, mainstream media refused to give him a platform.But his influence has been widespread, due to the conscience in his music. If there is still a musical figure who confronts the regime, Cui Jian is definitely on top of that list."

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Student Movement. The invitation of Cui Jian onto the CCTV Chinese New Year show at this sensitive time drew much speculation.

Chen Weiming, creator of the 1989 Statue of Democracy in Tiananmen Square: "This sensation was caused by the upcoming 25th anniversary of the June fourth massacre.

The regime intends to accept an amnesty, surrender from those participants, and create an image of social harmony.In fact, China is like a volcano ready to erupt at any time.

The Communist Party is pretentious, to be the gentlemen to attract elites, famous artists, and even me. I was recruited too. Those who don't stand firm can easily give in."

Despite losing the opportunity to stage the show, Cui Jian has won the respect and admiration from those who were involved in the June 4 incident.

Chen Weiming: "His refusing to go on the show has two meanings. At a personal level, I believe his stance, with moral and political awareness, is absolutely correct. I believe that it is in line with the expectations of the people of that generation."

On the other hand, many artists have
become cynical in modern China. Facing this temptation, he is able to hold on
to his dignity, which I was very impressed by.He has insisted on justice, upheld his conscience, and adhered to his ethics."

Chinese cultural scholar Ye Kuangzheng indicates that the Communist New Year show has always been a political ritual to display the regime's authority.

If Cui Jian shows up on stage, it does not mean any respect to the rights of expression. Rather, it would indicate an obedience to the authorities, and
compromise of his rights of speech, independence, and spirit. Therefore, Cui Jian has made the right choice.

Cultural commentator Zhu Dake wrote on Weibo that, "whether Cui Jian can be made to show up at the show is a good touchstone. This will give a clear answer as to whether the regime is pretentious in generosity, openness, prosperity."

Interview/YiRu Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/SunNing