














採訪編輯/唐音 後製/陳建銘

Comprehensively Deepening Reforms Meets With Cold Public Reaction

On January 22, Beijing authorities held the first meeting
of the “Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms”.
What has been the Chinese publics reaction
compared with coverage by official media?
On January 23, our reporter Tang Yin
interviewed China historian Yu Yingshi.
Our reporter also spoke to Chen Zhonghe,
co-founder of the “China Democracy Party”,
and NTD political commentator Lan Shu.

On January 22, Chinese President Xi Jinping
presided over the first meeting of the “Group
for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms.”

According to official coverage, the lead
group is divided into six special areas.
These are economy, environment, politics,
culture, social system, and Party structure.
The main work of this lead group is to
co-ordinate, plan, implement and investigate.

Yu Yingshi is a US-based China historian.

He believes the group implementing these
reforms is very empty and meaningless.
This analysis comes after 10 years of observation
of the Chinese Communist Party ‘s performance.

Yu Yingshi, China historian: “It has no meaning,
it is a perfunctory look with some empty words.
This is because it is absolutely
impossible to speak of reforms.
It’s all nonsense, with inequalities in wealth,
unopened market, and oppression of free expression.
How could they talk about reforms,
without improving human rights?

On the same day as the meeting of the “Group
for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms,”
Beijing First Intermediate People's Court opened
a court session opened the case of Xu Zhiyong.
Xu Zhiyong is co-founder of the
Open Constitution Initiative NGO.
Xu Zhiyong, a Mainland legal scholar, and his lawyer
Zhang Fang, remained in silence during the hearing,
in protest against illegal law enforcement in the court.

People gathered outside the court to
support Xu ‘s release were arrested by police.

On January 23, state-controlled media
reported on the discussions of the reform group.
Microblogs, official media and state institutions have
reproduced this news, but few people posted comments.
This news was also not high on
the search term listing that day.

Chen Zhonghe, one of the founders of the
China Democracy Party, in exile in Europe:
“It ‘s useless because it is not a main issue.
The main reform is to abandon dictatorship.
They are actually trying to extend the life
of the Party dictatorship by patching it up.
The main public opinion is one of removing dictatorship.”

Last November, the CCP 18th Third Plenary Session
passed resolutions for comprehensively deepening reforms.
These clearly stated that the reforms must adhere to
Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Theory,
three representatives, and “upholding Party leadership”.

Chen Zhonghe: “This is because its core value is
dictatorship, and that it ‘s dictatorship is untouchable.
The invasion of dictatorship is equal
to the invasion of its core value.
So the reforms it suggests are impossible.”

NTD political commentator Lan Shu analyzed this
significant resistance to the deepening of reforms.
It is the different interest groups that exist internally.

At the end of last year, Gao Yu, a senior media person,
released information that Zhou Yongkang, former
Politburo Standing Committee member, and Secretary
of the Politics and Law Committee, has been detained.
This was widely reported by overseas media,
but Chinese official media did not cover the story.
Some analysts suggest this is because the Party leadership
hasn ‘t reached a consensus on how to deal with Zhou.
Zhou Yongkang was a member of a faction
headed by former CCP leader Jiang Zemin,
who must be opposing a public hearing.

Lan Shu, NTD political commentator:“They can ‘t
touch Jiang Zemin, nor the interests of his faction.
There are many things that are not disclosed.

Secondly, can this group touch Jiang Zemin
himself, or his family members, if they are
directly involved in Zhou Yongkang ‘s case?

If they dare not touch him, so-called
deepening reforms is just empty talk.”

Recently, the International Federation of Journalists
obtained information indicating that many CCP
officials, and their families, have offshore accounts.

The observers found that none of the
officials from Jiang ‘s faction are in this report.
Some analysts suggest this information was
released as part of a counterattack from the
Jiang faction, in retaliation to Zhou Yongkang ‘s arrest.

Observers said that so-called reforms are just
the re-distribution of internal power and interests.
The so-called “deep water” of reforms and the
“tough fight” are just humorous to Chinese people.

Interview & Edit/Tangyan Post-Production/Chenjianmin