【禁聞】廣西千人械鬥槍炮齊上 警察袖手

【新唐人2014年02月05日訊】廣西千人械鬥槍炮齊上 警察袖手






王功權微博露面 帳號照片均被封

因支持「新公民運動」被中共當局逮捕的大陸企業家王功權,1月22號取保候審後,日前首次露面,他通過新註冊的微博帳號「益西雍仲」發出博 文,承認他為了家人,「放棄被羈押後連續近60天的抗爭和博弈,選擇認罪回家」,王功權同時上傳兩張近照。不過,他的帳號很快就遭到了封禁。








Violent Fights in Guang Xi. Police Stood By Watching

Massive fights happened due to long-term grudges over land
between Pangdinging village and Liu Village in Fengshan
Town, Bobai County of Guangxi Province on the first day of
the Chinese New Year.

Overseas China's Jasmine Revolution site (molihuan.org)
reported on February 4, that on January 31 residents from
two villages started arguing and resorted to serious violence.
Many people were injured.

The scale of the fight escalated. Thousands of people used
homemade guns, rifles, shotguns, machetes and cannons.

Yelling, gunfire and explosions were loud and constant.
More than a dozen buildings were smashed.

Three mountains of the Pangding villages were burned.
The shrine of the Liu Village was bombed.

Bobai Police Station sent a riot squad to the scene.
The conflict stopped for a short time.

But after two hours of standoff, the conflict intensified again.
The riot squad just stood by, instead of stopping them.

The fighting eventually stopped after nearly
1,000 armed police arrived.

Wang Gongquan Appeared on Microblog
His Account and Photos Were Blocked

Chinese entrepreneur Wang Gongquan, was arrested by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for his support of the
"New Citizens Movement".

He was released on bail on January 22.
Recently he appeared for the first time.

He wrote on his new mircroblog account "Yixiyongzhong"
admitting that he "gave up continuous fighting after being
in custody for nearly 60 days and chose to plead guilty to
go home."

Wang Gongquang also uploaded two of his recent photos.
However, his account was banned quickly.

On February 3, Chinese real-estate businessman Pan Shiqi,
Wang Gongquan's friend, also uploaded on his microblog
a picture of himself and Wang Gongquan meeting for lunch
on January 28.

Chinese intellectual Wang Xiaoshan, entrepreneur
Ren Zhiqiang and over 1,700 people spread the picture.

But the picture was removed quickly.

Currently some of these contents are still in some netizens』

Overseas freeweibo.com also keeps the pictures and the text.

Rich People From China Are the Main Force
of Investment Immigration in Australia

HK's South China Morning Post reported on February 4,
about the newly introduced high net worth investment
immigrant program to attract wealthy investors.

Nine out of every ten applicants of are wealthy Chinese.

Australian Immigration Department figures show that since
the implementation of the immigration plan one year ago,
more than 65 Chinese citizens got the "significant investor"

Among the 545 applications are being processed,
91% are Chinese citizens.

The report says after this immigration plan is launched,
Chinese immigrants have brought 325 million Australian
Dollars of investment in Australia.

