

2月11號,美國國會參議院軍事委員會,針對「國家安全面臨的威脅」召集聽證會。美國情報總監詹姆斯•克拉珀(James Clapper)說,美國正面臨空前的安全威脅。


國防情報局局長弗林(Michael Flynn)在聽證會上說,中共前不久宣佈設立「東海防空識別區」的舉動,加劇了緊張局勢,可能會損害這一地區的和平與安全。














採訪編輯/李韻 後製/舒燦

U.S. Security Faces Chinese Military and Cyber Threats

Following a U.S. senator accusing the Communist regime a
rising threat to peace, on Tuesday´s Annual Threat Assessment
Hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee,
the intelligence director said that the U.S. is faced
with a growing list of increasingly complex security threats.

Among which, military and cyber attacks from the Communist
regime along with its threats to East Asia are the main concerns.

The Annual Threat Assessment Hearing before the Senate
Armed Services Committee took place on February 11.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that
the U.S. is facing unprecedented security threats.

In Clapper´s listed threats are the terrorists hiding in the United
States, militants in the Middle East and North Africa regions,
as well as cyber and military threats from the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP).

DIA Director Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said the CCP´s
air-identification zone over portions of the East China Sea
raised regional tensions, and increased the risk of incidents that
could undermine peace and security in that vital region.

Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Carl Levin
said that the CCP poses a unique threat to the U.S. because of
“a lack of restraint and respect for any limits on the theft of
American technology, including production of counterfeit products.”

Chris Wu, editor-in-chief of China Affairs magazine:
"The testimony of the Homeland Security or the intelligence
agencies is also to remind the Congress not to cut the funding
for the military or for the intelligence.
The safety and security of the United States is a first priority."

China Affairs magazine editor-in-chief Chris Wu indicates that
the U.S. has been cutting military budgets since a few years ago,
however, the CCP has been expanding its military development
with a 10% budget increase this year.

Voice of America reported on Feb. 12 that the CCP's defense
budget this year will increase to more than 800 billion yuan
from last year´s 720 billion yuan.

Global Information Freedom Movement founder Zhang Xinyu
analyzes the U.S. will not consider the CCP a threat should a
war erupt regardless of the budget CCP will input.

However, the massive cyber attacks and espionage are hard to

Zhang Xinyu, founder of Global Information Freedom Movement:
"Take bin Laden as an example, it is not as strong as the U.S.,
but it poses a threat, especially its terrorist acts are extreme,
irregular, abrupt and hidden."

Zhang Xinyu indicates that the CCP will pose greater threats
should the U.S. ignore some of its dangerous conduct.

Zhang Xinyu: "The cyber attacks, for instance, can paralyze the
U.S. power supply and governmental functions.
With the theft of technology, the CCP will turn it around and
use it against the U.S. causing the collapse of the U.S. systems.
It can not just be left without any prevention."

Last February, cyber security company Mandiant Corp published
a report that purportedly traced a series of cyber attacks on U.S.
companies to a Shanghai-based unit of the Chinese army.

Attached with the report is a photo showing part of the secretive
Chinese military unit.
The US defense department also named China as the source of
cyber attacks.

The espionage of the CCP has ranged from the military to
Recently, agriculture has become another target of intelligence.
A media report revealed six Chinese citizens from Beijing Kings
Nower Seed company have been accused of stealing U.S.
patented corn seed.

Chris Wu points out that a dozen of terrorists caused a national
panic during the 911 incident.
The CCP´s massive espionage is even more dangerous.

Chris Wu: "The CCP brags about unrestricted warfare, a type
of attack with means beyond the imagination.
They employ minor effort to attack the weakest link."

Meanwhile, the CCP denied engaging in the cyber attacks and
espionage against the United States and claimed themselves
the victim of hacking.
CCP also rejected the accusation over the recent declaration
of an air defense identification zone.
So, who exactly is the victim?

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/ShuCan