【禁聞】黑幕交易 每天30罪犯違法減刑出獄

















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李勇

Illegal Bribery: Over Five Years, 70,000 Chinese Receive Commuted Sentences, Probation

Chinese authorities revealed the involvement
of 24 people in the illegally commuted sentence
of Zhang Hai, the former president of Janlibao,
a Guangdong sports drink company.
This case exposes the shady bartering of money in exchange
for reduced sentence and parole in the Communist
judiciary system.
Meanwhile, on the 25th, the regime announced that over
the past five years, 68,776 Chinese inmates were found
to have been illegally freed from jail.
Consequently, the public's calls for transparency
in such case trials are growing louder.

On Feb. 24 the Chinese Supreme Procuratorate revealed that
as of January, a total of 24 people in the judiciary and prison
systems have been or are currently being investigated
in connection with Zhang Hai's release.
Zhang Hai and his girlfriend have fled overseas.

Authorities have filed an arrest warrant for Zhang
and have begun the extradition process.

According to Mainland media, Zhang was arrested
for misappropriation of funds in March of 2005.
In February of 2007, Zhang received a 15-year prison
sentence for embezzlement and misappropriation of funds.

Using bribery, Zhang Hai's girlfriend assisted in Zhang's
release in early 2011, and they quietly fled overseas.

Law Professor Chang Zanning points out that privileged
Chinese inmates' monetary exchange for early release
as well as the manipulation of authorities by judicial officers
for the release of criminals are common phenomena.

Professor Chang Zanning, Southeast University, Nanjing:
"In general, this kind of violation involves group crimes.
Rarely can one person make it happen.
As for the extradition, it is possible in the countries that
share treaties with China.
If there is no treaty, it depends on the circumstances."

Attorney Tang Jingling: "Even without the (extradition)
protocol, it is also possible to go through diplomatic means.
However, China does not share such treaties
with many countries.
That is the reason why a massive amount of corrupt officials
have fled overseas."

A 2011 publication by the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences (CASS) revealed that since the mid-1990s,
between 16,000 and 18,000 Communist officials
have gone missing or have fled abroad
with an estimated 800 billion yuan ($130.6 billion).

According to the 2014 edition of the Blue Book on the Rule
of Law by CASS, the fleeing of corrupt officials will continue
to increase.
The Blue Book recommends the increased supervision
of public servants and 'naked officials'.

The cases of fleeing corrupt officials and the illegal release
of inmates have been so frequent that the call
for transparency in case trials has increased.
Just recently, the Guangdong High Court website revealed
733 cases of illegal commutation.
On Feb. 25, the Supreme Procuratorate also announced that
the procuratorial organs have examined a total of 68,776
commutation cases over the past five years.

Such a huge number confirms the Communist judicial
corruption and monetary exchange between the authorities
and the underground society.

Attorney Tang Jingling: "There have been few provisions
regarding commutation and parole.
It has become a common judicial corruption phenomenon
in China.
That is, the gangsters and the criminals will use their
connections with officials to pay for their early release."

The illegal bribery is widespread.

In response, the Communist Political and Legal Affairs
Commission has issued guidance to supervise early release
and to prevent judiciary corruption.

Tang Jingling indicates that even though the regime intended
for the more explicit and stringent measures to constrain
officials from indulging in illegal commutation and parole,
the effectiveness is questionable.

Tang Jingling: "In China, it is not about lawlessness,
but the failure of the government.
The government has failed because of widespread corruption
and collusion between officials.
The laws become useless.
Improvement to the details of provisions serves no use."

So, how can the loopholes in the current commutation
and parole laws be closed?
Attorney Tang Jingling analyzes that to a large extent,
overall information disclosure and transparency is needed,
as well as the improvement of the political
and judicial systems.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Li Yong
