【禁聞】克裡米亞脫烏 中共立場尷尬

【新唐人2014年03月18日訊】 克裡米亞脫烏 中共立場尷尬




浙江興潤置業破產 負責人收押







中共否認虐待曹順利致死 家屬反駁




Crimea Applying to Join Russia Embarrassed The Chinese
Communist Party

On March 16, Crimea held a referendum.

Crimean officials announced that 97% of voters supported
leaving the Ukraine to join Russia.
But Ukraine's interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said
the Crimean referendum was a circus under the Russian gun.

The United States and the European Union said the vote
violates the Constitution of the Ukraine.
On March 17, the EU announced a travel ban for 21 Russian
and Ukrainian officials and froze their overseas assets.
These officials are considered to play a significant role in the
process of Crimea's joining Russia and leaving the Ukraine.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is awkward
about the referendum.
On the one hand the CCP wants to support Putin and Russia;
on the other hand, the CCP respects the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Ukraine.

Analysts believe that it is very sensitive for the CCP to decide
the ownership of the territory by advocating because it's hard
not to remind officials of the future of Beijing, Tibet, Xinjiang,
Taiwan and Hong Kong.

The Director is in Custody. Zhe Jiang Xingrun is Bankrupted.

On March 17, US Bloomberg News reported real estate tycoon
Zhejiang Xingrui who is 3.5 billion yuan debt is bankrupt and
the director is in custody.

The report quoted an informed official that Zhe Jiang Xingrun
has not enough cash to pay the15 bank creditors, including a
one billion yuan debt to China Construction Bank.

Officials said the main director of this company along with
his son are in custody on charges of illegal taking gold.

Hong Kong Media: Xu Caihou Corruption Investigation Left

On March 17, Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) decided to abandon an
investigation into the corruption of former Central Military
Commission Vice Chairman Xu.

South China Morning Post quoted military sources that Xu
Caihou was involved with the former Deputy Minister of PLA
General Logistics Department, Gu Junshan's case.

Subsequently he got investigated.

Xu Caihou was diagnosed with bladder cancer at a last stage
and actively turned over the bribery to escape punishment.

Reports said many people in the CCP military are disappointed
at the authorities giving up the investigation into Xu Caihou.

Cao Shunli's Family Refutes She Was Well Looked After.

Beijing activist Cao Shunli was tortured to death by the
Chinese Communist Party.
This sparked anger among human rights defenders inside and
outside China and in EU countries.
To face the accusations the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
denied responsibility for Cao Shunli's death.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei claimed
Cao Shunli got serious treatment.

But Cao Shunli's relative told AFP that the CCP didn't give
her any medicines and treatment over the several months
of detention.

Only in the last few days, she received a conditional release
because of her advanced stage of illness.

Edit/Zhou Yulin