【禁聞】米歇爾北大演講 將談信息自由

【新唐人2014年03月22日訊】米歇爾北大演講 將談信息自由








四律師救人被抓 律師團聲明籲釋放


21號上午,「中國人權律師團」就四位律師和多位公民被拘押一事,發表「嚴正聲明」 ,譴責佳木斯警方的行為。




Michelle Obama to Present in Peking University
About Freedom of Information

On March 21, U.S. President Michelle Obama visited Beijing
and met Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping
and his wife Peng Liyuan at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Before that, Michelle and her party visited the Museum
Palace and the Second High School Attached to Beijing
Normal University, accompanied by Peng Liyuan.

On March 22, Mrs Obama will visit Peking University to
deliver a speech.
According to the Associated Press, her main focus is on
freedom of information.

Arson and Demolitions Occured in Shandong Province

On March 21 a demolition tragedy happened in Du Jiatong
village of Shandong province, with one death and three injured.

According to local insiders four villagers were on guard duty
sleeping in a tent.
Petrol was poured over them and ignited by unidentified men.

A 63-year-old villager was burnt to death; the other
three had different levels of burns.

Mr Li told NTD reporter the villagers took turn to guard the
land by themselves because government wanted to commit

Are Pingdu police Involved in The Investigation?

In 2013 the arrest of activist reporter Chen Baocheng
in Shandong Pingdu rallied the whole country.

Four Attorneys Were Arrested When Making A Rescue

On March 20, mainland human rights lawyers Tang Jitian,
Jiang Tianyong, Zhang Junjie, Wang cheng and the victims'
families went to Jiamusi Qinglongshan brainwashing center
for the third time.
They were demanding the release of illegally
detained Falun Gong practitioners.
After that, they were followed by
local state security and arrested.

On March 21, Chinese human rights lawyers condemned
Jiamusi police for the arrest of four lawyers and many
citizens with solemn declaration.

The statement requested Jiansanjiang authorities to release
the four detained lawyers and other citizens immediately.
They also asked the Chinese authorities to investigate
and ban local black jails.

Currently, there are 56 lawyer's signatures on the Declaration.

The lawyers said they are ready to go to Jiamusi brainwashing
center at any time.

Edit/Zhou Yulin