【禁聞】2014淨網行動 矛頭指向誰?














採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李勇

Internet Crime Fighting Campaign Is Just Another Culture Revolution?

Since the Chinese Communist regime launched the campaign
against pornography in Dongguan this February, another
crime fighting campaign was initiated, targeting the Internet.

Netizens believed this multi departmental Web Cleaning 2014,
claimed by the nedia to cover nationwide, is another round of
“culture revolution.”

On April 13, the Web Cleaning 2014 was launched to crackdown
on Internet pornography.
The regime's mouth piece reported that this campaign was jointly
issued by the National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal
Publications, the State Internet Information Office, the Ministry
of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of
Public Security.

Shortly after the circular was publicized by major media such as
Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, and People's Daily, in just a few days,
dozens of websites were shut down and regulated to change, and
organizers and writers of the websites were arrested.
Numerous social media were also “cleaned”.

Many netizens born in the 80s and 90s mocked themselves:
To our surprise, we are here to experience a "cultural revolution!"
The general public refers to this on-line anti-porn campaign as
historically the toughest and longest political movement.

The Communist regime claims the target of the 2014 Web
Cleaning is porn.
However, people believe the ulterior motive of the officials is as
clear as the previous porn cleaning campaign in Dongguan.

Huang Qi, 64tianwang.com founder: "These series of anti-porn
activities, especially on the Internet, have been extended by the
authorities for the past ten years.

Strictly speaking, the crackdown on porn has not been limited to
porn, but extended to suppression of dissenting voices.
It has a negative impact on human rights and domestic
grievances about the corrupt officials and human rights violations."

Wei Zhenling, former Zhejiang Youth Daily correspondent:
"In fact, anti-porn is just an excuse.
After all, many porn websites continue to exist.

It is only done for one purpose, that is, to maintain the stability of
the regime."

the 2014 campaign is just another censorship tightening activity
against the Web bloggers after many arrests of the significant
bloggers last year.

Wei Zhenling: "We have learnt that suppression of Weibo has
been intense, WeChat is next, including QQ.
Netizens have exchanged information through WeChat and QQ,
and many of them have been summoned and arrested in these
months. I believe the situation is only getting worse."

In March, the Central Propaganda Department and nine other
departments have launched four campaigns to crackdown on
false news and news blackmail nationwide.

The regime did not explain what these four campaigns are, but
Voice of America had analyzed one of them, Qingyuan 2014,
literarily meaning cleaning the sources, i.e. to block so-called
harmful media and website information from overseas.

Wei Zhenling: "The domestic media are the party's mouthpiece.
Any information, not permitted, is not publicized.
That's why a lot of information came from overseas.

Those overseas websites or media are where Chinese can get the
truth and facts. That is why one of the campaigns targets overseas.
It is surely subject to strict censorship."

Huang Qi founded the first rights defending website,
64tianwang.com, in Sichuan.
He says that for 16 years, 64tianwang.com has been routinely
subject to various suppressions by the regime.
Huang Qi believes that, despite the forms of suppression such as
the Web Cleaning 2014, the persistent pursuit and insistence on
free expression and reporting will certainly greet the Spring of
free speech in China.