【禁聞】兩次舉報兩次否認 宋林終被調查
















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

Two Reports and Two Denials: Song Lin Finally Investigated

A complex and unexpected story of addressing
'tiger' officials has unfolded in mainland China.
Song Lin, President of 'China Resources', has denied
journalists second exposure of sex scandal pictures.
The following day, Song Lin was investigated by the
Central Discipline Inspection Commission (CDIC).
Inside sources told NTD that the CDIC already received
a report last year, and started investigation of Song then.

Wang Wenzhi is a reporter at Economic Information News,
which runs under the state-controlled Xinhua News Agency.
Writing under his real name, Wang Wenzhi
reported on April 15 that Song Lin has a
mistress, and is allegedly involved in corruption.

Wang revealed two photos of Song and his mistress hugging.
One photo shows them sitting on a bed in matching clothes.
On April 16, Song Lin announced on the
official China Resources website that the
report was pure fabrication, to slander him.

The following day, the CDIC published an online
notice saying Song Lin is under investigation.
An unusual point is that the notice stated, "seriously
violated the law", indicating that there's solid evidence.

9 months ago, Wang Wenzhi reported
Song to CDIC for the first time.
It alleged Song Lin, and other high executives at
China Resources, didn't do their duty in a lawsuit of
a mining project that involved tens of billions of yuan.
This caused billions of yuan to be lost from state funds.
Wang said the action of Song Lin and others' action was
misconduct, suspecting them to be involved in corruption.

The CDIC indicated later that it received the report
materials, and was in the middle of processing it all.
"But there was an obstacle that halted the case
for nearly a year", commented an inside source.

Li Jianjun, former reporter at Shanxi Evening
News, also reported Song Lin on Weibo.
Li told NTD that because the CDIC focused on
taking down Zhou Yongkang's people last year,
they had no manpower to deal with Song Lin.

Li Jianjun: "The CDIC was dealing
with Zhou Yongkangs case last year.
The CDIC dispatched many people to deal with people in
the oil system, so it didnt have energy to take new cases.
But the CDIC accepted the report of
Song Lin last year, and had to investigate.
The CDIC described him as 'violating the law', which
means that the CDIC has done a lot of preparation."

Li also spoke last August in an interview
with Hong Kong media Apple Daily.
The CCP's National Audit Office got a report early in 2010.

It said that China Resources had an illegal inside
story when it entered the mining market in Shanxi.
The mysterious report last year truly led to the
President of China Resources being moved.

Li described the informant who reported
Song as "an extremely high level person".
This is because the report was directly
sent to then Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.
He said Wen and two deputy secretaries at the CDIC,
He Yong and Ma Wen, ordered the investigation of Song.
The Audition Office completed an investigation report in
3 months, under the instructions of the central authorities.

Li said Song already knew that he was in trouble then.
He attempted to hire someone to steal the
materials, and then launch public relations
to ask the audition office to ease off the case.
At the time, Song's connection He Guoqiang, Secretary
of the CDIC at the time, twice halted the reports.

Li Jianjun: "Because China Resources is
in Hong Kong, the benefits here are special.
Song reported to the central authorities
through the Liaison Office in Hong Kong.
He requested to not deal with the company before the 18th
National Congress, in order to maintain Hong Kong's stability.
Thus, he was fine during the 18th National Congress."

Li revealed that He Guoqiang nominated Song to be a
member of the Central Committee, at the Appointment
Conference for the 18th National Congress.
Ma Wen and He Yong strongly opposed He's nomination.

Thus, he lowered his requirement, and nominated Song
to get into the CDIC, but it was also opposed by the two.
Song wasn't able to become a member of the Central
Committee in the 18th National Congress last year.

Following Wang's two public reports, as well as a lawsuit
that a shareholder sued the board of China Resources
for purchasing defective assets with high price, Song
announced twice that he was denying all accusations.
But Li said Song were actually already worried. Song
seemed very skinny during the "Two Session" period.

On April 18, China Resources held
a meeting of it's heads in Shenzhen.
It passed a decision from the Central Organization that general
manager Qiao Shibo is temprorarily in charge of the company.
Some staff in the company were
also taken away for investigation.

Liansheng Energy, a major partner of China Resources
in Shanxi, has had a severe financial crisis in recent 2 years.
Mainland media reported that the Chairman of Liansheng
Energy, Xing Libin, was taken away by police from
the airport in Taiyuan on March 12.

Interview & Edit/Qin Xue Post-Production/Xiao Yu
