



















採訪編輯/易如 後製/李勇

Zhang Sizhi willing to defend and deny the false charge
on famous Chinese Human Rights Lawyer Pu Zhiqiang

Famous Chinese human rights lawyer Mr Pu Zhiqiang was
detained by the police with the charge of “Picking Quarrels
and Making Trouble” after he attended the memorial
symposium of 25th anniversary “64 Event”.

Senior Famous Chinese Lawyer Mr Zhang Sizhi, who once
defended for “the Gang of Four” and Mao Zedong´s wife
Jiang Qing, expressed his willingness to defend Pu Zhiqiang.

Meanwhile, international human rights organization
“Human Rights Watch” issued a statement calling for
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Authorities to release
Pu Zhiqiang. Let´s watch the report.

Tens of famous Chinese lawyers, legal professors and public
intellectuals attended the memorial symposium of
25th anniversary “64 Event”. But after the meeting, many
attendees, including Pu Zhiqiang, were interrogated and

It is understood that Beijing police and state security staff
ransacked Pu Zhiqiang´s office and home and took away his
personal computers and cell phone.

Pu Zhiqiang´s niece Qu Zhenhong - also a Lawyer in the same
law firm “Huayi Law Firm” said on her Weibo on May 6th
that on the morning of May 6th, Haidian District Public
Security Bureau of Beijing City had caught and detained
Pu Zhiqiang with the charge of “picking quarrels and
making trouble”.

Pu Zhiqiang is now being confined in Beijing Municipal First
Detention Centre. His family is considering whether to
engage a lawyer to interview him.

According to Voice of America (VOA),
Pu Zhiqiang´s co-worker Xia Lin and a very famous
Chinese lawyer Zhang Sizhi, who once defended for
“The Gang of Four” and Jiang Qing, all confirmed that:
Pu Zhiqiang has been in custody.

Mr Zhang Sizhi is 87 years old and he told NTD on May 7th ,
as a lawyer, he is willing to defend for Mr Pu Zhiqiang.

Zhang Sizhi: “He (Pu Zhiqiang) is a citizen, I am a lawyer.
So such defending is a natural thing.”

Lawyer Yi Shenghua, Deputy Director of Beijing Penal
Defense Experts Commission, said that catching Pu Zhiqiang
shocked the legal profession causing wide discontent
including for himself.

Many righteous lawyers would like to defend Pu Zhiqiang.

Yi Shenghua: “So as a famous predecessor of the Chinese
legal profession and a mentor to the younger generation of
Chinese lawyers, Mr Zhang Sizhi enjoys a huge reputation
and is the number one lawyer in the Chinese legal profession.

At this moment, he has expressed his willingness to act as a
Lawyer for Pu Zhiqiang, and actually his expression stands
for the entire attitude of the Chinese legal profession.”

Born in 1965 in Luan County of Hebei Province, Pu Zhiqiang
obtained his bachelors degree from the History Department
of Nankai University in 1986. In 1991 he obtained a masters
degree in Ancient Law at the Material Institute of China
University of Political Science and Law.

In 1997 he started his career in law and is currently an
executive lawyer of Beijing Huayi Law Firm.

Pu Zhiqiang worked as a lawyer defending many Chinese
dissidents, including artist Ai Weiwei, participants of the
“New Citizen Campaign” requesting to open officials´ assets,
the case of “Ren Jianyu sent to labor camp”, the case of
“Appealing mother Ms Tang Hui” to name a few.

Because Pu Zhiqiang appealed to repeal the labor camp he
was listed as “Cover Influential Figure” by Southern People
Weekly magazine and the “Legal Figure of 2013”
by China News Weekly magazine.

Mainland lawyer Mr Wang Fu said on the Internet:
When Lao Pu (Pu Zhiqiang) was detained, it was discovered
that abuse of the charge “Provoking Quarrels and Making
Trouble” has achieved a lawless and shameless extent.

Saying something on the Internet, having a meal together,
appealing to the boss to defend your own rights, attending
a memorial symposium for some event or person could all
be charged with “Provoking Quarrels and Making Trouble”
once officials felt uncomfortable.

Yi Shenghua: “According to the information we got,
they were just meeting in someone´s home, but they were
identified as ‘provoking quarrels and making trouble’.
I am a penal lawyer and think this charge obviously doesn´t
apply for such a circumstance.”

Human Rights Watch published a statement on May 6th,
and called for the CCP Authorities to release Pu Zhiqiang.

The Director of Chinese Projects of Human Rights Watch,
Sofia Richardson, said: “All these charges, and the recent
Detentions, demonstrate that from 1989 until now the
attitude of Chinese Government towards human rights has
almost no alterations.”

Consulting lawyer for multiple newspapers, Mr Deng Shulin,
said that the rights of a lawyer are not only owned by the
lawyer himself, but the rights of a citizen, and the extended
rights of the consignor.

Deng Shulin: “Recently, catching some innocent citizens
with the charge of ‘provoking quarrels and making trouble’,
and even the police of Jiansanjiang beating innocent people
are all left without anyone punished for the open crime.

So whether human rights is an issue or not in China?
Our rights are unable to be secured although laws endow
our lawyers with many rights. Yet even these regulations
are violated and lawyer´s rights infringed.
If there is no punishment laws will be an empty rhetoric.”

Associate Professor Wang Jianxun, of Law School
of China University of Political Science and Law,
said on his Weibo account: (Pu Zhiqiang) is brave and heroic
appealing for the ordinary people, and his contributions to
revoke the labor camp system in China is unforgettable.

If such a lawyer is detained, then your real face is more
clearly exposed which triggers more people to join
the torrent opposing the monocracy.

Interview & Edit/Yi Ru Post-Production/Li Yong