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採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/李智遠
Non-Performing Loans Continued to Increase: Banks On Alert

On May 15, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Banking Regulatory Commission launched it’s latest data. By the end of the first quarter of this year, the balance of non-performing loans (NPL) for commercial banks reached 646.1 billion yuan. This marked a record for the highest level in nearly three years. The rise of non-performing loan ratios is reflective of the current situation with the slowdown of China's economic growth, and of an economic downturn. How will the the Chinese economy continue to trend? Please see the following report.

On May 15, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) website released it’s latest information. By the end of the first quarter of China's banking sector, the NPL ratio increased by 54.1 billion yuan, reaching 1.04%. This now reflects a rise over ten consecutive quarters.

In accordance with mainland China’s regulatory requirements, non-performing loans mean the borrower cannot repay loans.

Xie Zuoshi, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and International Trade, Zhejiang University of Finance: “China’s economy is a bubble, and is highly leveraged. The economy is now going through a de-leveraging process, with a downturn in house prices and the economy. This will of course produce bad debts. I think that with house prices taking a further downturn, the potential for bad debts will increase.”

Mainland China’s ‘Financial Network’ points out that, because of the vast majority of the risk in the entire financing system leaning on the banking industry, once a funding strand breaks, it is bound to create systemic risk. The Financial Network believes that a variety of signals shows that the bank’s risk control has pulled the alarm.

In fact, according to information published by the CCP, banking net profits in 2010 were 763.7 billion yuan. This marked an annual growth rate of 14.26%. In 2011, it was 1.0412 trillion, with an annual growth rate of 36.34%. In 2012, banking net profits reached 1.2386 trillion, and in 2013 it similiarily exceeded 1.1 trillion yuan.

Logically, about 1% NPL ratio can be overwritten. But on April 29, in it’s 2014 first quarter economic and financial situation analysis meeting, the CBRC very strictly emphasized the ‘duel control’ management on balance and ratio of NPL.

Jack Xu, a Taiwan Securities analyst, believes that since last June, the dismantling rate had a significant surge between banks. Money shortages occurred, indicating the maturity of bank loans are not being paid, reflecting the true plight of banks.

Jack Xu, Taiwan Securities Analyst: “To look at the actual bad loans and debts in a country or region, frankly speaking, is to observe its next call rate. At the moment, this should be considered as more objective criteria.”

Jack Xu points out that the NPL shows the real situation of China’s economy. He said that previously, the superficial economic growth was built on massive loans, not real prosperity.

Mainland financial analyst Ren Zhongdao suggests that from the beginning of last year, banks have tightened credit, which also reveals the banks are really in trouble.

Ren Zhongdao, Mainland Chinese financial analysis: “The CCP's data is inaccurate, and it is all inflated. Related institutions and scholars have calculated that NPL ratio, in fact, is not as low as suggested.

The French bank Societe Generale gave last year’s estimates. Taking into consideration negative impacts, such as excess capacity, and medium and small cities’ real estate bubbles, Chinese banks NPL ratio may have been close to 10%. This is over 6 trillion, and is much higher than the official announced 1% level.

The Annual Report from Hangzhou Bank last year showed that NPL amounted to 2.059 billion yuan. This marked an annual increase of 577million yuan, and the NPL ratio was 1.19%. However, Hangzhou Bank hasn’t paid loans of up to 4.18 billion, which have increased 153%.

Xie Zuoshi points out that Chinese banks are state-owned. It has it’s particularity, that is, allowing people across the country to repay the account together.

Xie Zuoshi: “I believe that large-scale bank run behavior and bank failures are unlikely to happen. The reason is not to say that the bank's potential bad debt is not serious, but that the government can rescue such as super-currency and peel off NPL assets.”

Ren Zhongdao points out that, the CCP leadership has long realized the problem in the financial system. They also released an early solution, which is the upcoming bank bankruptcy ordinance.

In January this year, the CBRC Vice Chairman said that CBRC is trying to accelerate the
introduction of bank bankruptcy ordinance. The industry also pointed out that this year, the bank bankruptcy ordinance is likely to be launched.

Once they allow banks to go bankrupt, the mainland depositors’ money will be lost without anything left.