














採訪/陳漢 編輯/陳潔 後製/陳建銘

Former Premier´s Son Criticizes China´s Healthcare System

In a recent forum, Zhu Yunlai, son of former Premier
Zhu Rongji, criticized China´s current healthcare system.
He says that the system has caused citizens difficulty
in accessing healthcare, not a lack of doctors.
Analysts observe that Zhu Yunlai has always kept
a low-profile and his criticism was meant to reinforce
his father´s power during the current
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) infighting.
He is using the failed medical reform issue as a way
to hold Jiang Zemin, former head of the CCP, responsible.

On June 8, Zhu Yunlai attended a seminar at Beijing´s
Tsinghua University, where he spoke about healthcare.
He cited Ministry of Health survey data in which
medical expenses have reached nearly 3 trillion yuan,
while doctors only see an average of 7.2 patients per day.
Almost 50 percent of Chinese people can´t have medical
treatment, while 29.6 percent of patients should stay
in the hospital but they don´t.

Zhu Yunlai said the cause of people´s difficulty in seeing
a doctor and the related expenses is not due to an insufficient amount of doctors or lack of medical resources.
The main reason lies in a problematic medical system.

He said that difficulty in seeing a doctor is caused by
a structural imbalance as well as an over-concentration of medical resources in large cities and hospitals.
The entire system lacks doctor incentives,
thus physicians are unwilling to see more patients.
Chaotic distribution of medicine and equipment
has driven up the cost of doctor visits,
and the self-interest of hospitals has intensified,
causing doctor-patient conflicts.

Zhu Yunlai also said that patients spend 50 percent
of medical fees on medicines, and if the cost of medicine
were reduced by 50 to 90 percent, people´s medical expenses
will drop.

Zhu has always kept a low public profile and has kept silent
when facing media.
Thus, his remarks are particularly noticeable.

Li Shanjian, US-based China affairs commentator: “Now
high-level infighting of two CCP factions has intensified.
Two reasons Zhu Yunlai chose this moment to make
a public appearance are to highlight some issues,
and, as Zhu Rongji´s son, he might be using
his influence in the infighting.
Regarding the system problems, he mentioned the issue
of medical reform and said that large problems exist.
The former head of the CCP, Jiang Zemin and
his entire faction, must take responsibility.”

Sources say that Zhu Rongji kept low public profile during
the CCP´s 18th National Congress, where he met
with advisory board members of Tsinghua University
School of Economics and Management.
Wang Qishan, Secretary of the Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection also attended the meeting.

Media revealed that in the early 1990s,
Zhu Rongji and Wang had close ties.
During Zhu´s financial reforms, Wang was Zhu´s assistant.
As Zhu´s successor, Wang received Zhu´s utmost support.

Zhu Rongji´s daughter Zhu Yanlai reportedly revealed
that Zhu was very supportive of Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan´s anti-corruption campaign.
Zhu believes it is a correct direction.
However, further research is needed for its effectiveness.

Wu Fan, US-based political commentator: “Zhu Yunlai
spoke out on behalf of his father.
It seems like in the past when Wen Jiabao launched
a political reform, some voices spoke out.
Regarding the CCP´s current situation, do you think
reforms will be implemented?
Don't place hope in the CCP.

Wen Jiabao has talked about political reform for five years,
people have also called for political reform at home and abroad but were ignored.”

Sources say that during the CCP´s Two Meetings this year,
Zhong Nanshan, a representative of the National People´s
Conference, also raised his opinion regarding
the contradiction between doctors and patients.
Zhong said that the current healthcare system disregards
the value of life in pursuit of economic interests.
In addition, under the current healthcare system there is no
way to reflect the value of work, thus doctors feel forced to push pills to drive revenue.

many years ago, but costly doctor visits, difficult treatment,
doctor-patient relations and medical staff incentive issues
have gone unresolved.

The CCP also admitted to healthcare reform failure.

In 2005, the state council issued a report
about healthcare reform.
The report states that the healthcare system is unsuccessful
due to commercialization and market-oriented trend
which runs contrary to the basic principles
of the healthcare industry.”

On his blog current affairs commentator Yan Ning wrote
that the social phenomenon of ordinary people´s
difficult and expensive medical treatment
has lasted a few decades.
Universal coverage, improvement of public services,
resolving the problems of treatment and doctor visit expenses are only surface issues.
The vast majority of these funds have been spent
on nepotism by the CCP´s privileged class.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/Chen JianMing
