















Mainland Lawyers Initiated a Letter Signing Campaign
Against The All China Lawyers Association.

On June 17, a group of Chinese lawyers jointly signed a
protest letter to the All China Lawyers Association (ACLA) .

They were protesting at the Attorney Code of Conduct and
Bar Association Disciplinary published by ACLA.

The ACLA is in co-operation with the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) suppression of lawyers.

They requested recalling the president of ACLA,
Wang Junfeng to take responsibility.

The letter said, ACLA ignores lawyers’ fundamental roles;

They have modified the Attorney Code of Conduct and Bar
Association Disciplinary Code in violation of the constitution.

ACLA has added many rules, which are now in violation of
lawyers’ rights, civil and political rights.

The ACLA is an accomplice in the suppression of legitimate
lawyers’ rights using the association for lawyer protection.

The president Wang Junfeng is directly responsible.

Since the start of 2014, incidents of lawyer detention are

Lawyers held and beaten by northeast Jiansanjiang police;

Lawyers meeting their clients were detained by Xuzhou
police which caused a reaction in the legal community.

The co-signing campaign received a high level of
responses from lawyers.

Beijing Uyghur Scholar May Be Secretly Sentenced.

Ilham Thoti, Beijing Central University Uyghur scholar has
been detained for 5 months by Urumqi Public Security Bureau.

On June 16, his lawyer Li Fangping posted on microblog that,
Ilham might be heavily sentenced.

British Reuters quoted Li that he called the Urumqi Public
Security Bureau, who didn’t confirm or deny the news.

Ilham is the founder of bilingual website Uyghur Online.
He publicly criticized Beijing's policies on
Xinjiang several times.

On January 15, he was taken away by police in Beijing then
arrested on charges of secession on Feb 20.

On June 16 the Chinese authorities executed 13 Uygurs
on charges of violent terror attacks.

Hong Kong Chinese Identity Damaged by White Paper.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) just published a white
paper on comprehensive governance rights in Hong Kong.

This caused a public backlash in Hong Kong.

A new survey showed the sense of Chinese identity amongst
Hong Kong people fell to its lowest level since 1997.

The survey by the University of Hong Kong Public Opinion
Program was published on June 17.

They conducted phone interviews with Hong Kong people
from June 6 to June 12.

The findings show that the sense of Hong Kong peoples’
identity is the strongest at 67%;

The sense of Chinese identity is the lowest at 31%.

Edit/Zhou Yulin