【禁聞】上百億訂單 北京為何選英國、希臘











英國廣播公司《BBC》中國總編輯凱瑞(Carrie Gracie),在發表的文章中,已經看到﹕對於北京高層來說,「一個政府面對危機時最怕的就是講話沒人信」,另一方面「卅年的經濟高速增長,養育出一代既從未吃過苦,又極其缺乏耐心的年輕人。他們是否永遠忠於共產黨,誰也不敢擔保。」


採訪編輯/唐音 後製/鍾元

Why Did Beijing Choose Britain and Greece To Make
$30 Billion Orders?

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Premier Li Keqiang
is visiting Britain and Greece between June 16 and 21.

He is currently in Britain accompanied by more than 200
Chinese entrepreneurs and $30 billion in orders.

Why does Beijing choose these two countries
for economic and trade cooperation?

Let's listen to what experts say.

Li Keqiang left Beijing for Britain on June 16.

During his visit to London Li will represent China at the UK
and Chinese Prime Minister annual meeting.

On June 19, Li Keqiang will visit Greece and attend the
China and Greek Maritime Cooperation Forum.

Chinese media report that during Li Keqiang’s visit to Britain,
China and Britain will sign more than 40 agreements.

These will be mainly in energy, investment, culture,
education, high-tech, finance and other sectors.

Onlookers predict these will be around nuclear power, high-
speed rail and other cooperative projects.

The total of orders may reach or exceed $ 30 billion.

These are record-breaking large orders
in the history of China and Britain.

China’s media declared that the $30 billion in agreements
will enhance bilateral economic and trade relations.

The CCP investment in the UK has increased explosively

The amount of investment in the past two years reached
$13 billion, more than the total of the previous 30 years.

Britain is China’s third largest trading partner in the EU,
and second largest source of investment.

The UK is also the major destination of Chinese
overseas investment.

According to China’s General Administration of Customs,
China and Britain’s bilateral trade volume grew 22%.

This growth rate is the highest among major EU countries.

In the financial sector in Europe Britain has many years of
experience and is recognized as the key finance sector.

This year China and Britain signed the RMB clearing and
settlement agreement.

China wants the UK to promote RBM internationalization.

China News Observer Hua Po analysed, that Britain has the
most influence on Hong Kong and supports its democracy.

The CCP choosing Britain and Greece for economic
cooperation has political meanings.

A record-breaking 18 million people participated in the recent
June 4th Anniversary in Hong Kong.

On June 22 HK will hold a referendum by electronic voting,
to decide HK’s destiny.

July 1 is the 17th anniversary of the transfer of
Hong Kong’s sovereignty.

Hua Po "All kinds of contradictions are intertwined and
are intensifying.

The CCP is very annoyed at Britain’s support of Hong Kong.

It tells Britain not to interfere with China’s internal affairs
orsupport democracy if the UK want to do business with It.

Britain is the closest and most steadfast alliance of the U.S.
to defend universal values.

Such as the overthrowing of dictator Saddam Hussein
in Iraq, and the elimination of al-Qaida in Afghanistan.

The second country visit in Europe is to Greece.

According to the latest IMF data, Greece is the world's
largest debtor nation.

Over the past few years the euro zone and the EU have had
political and economical conflicts to settle the massive debts.

Hua Po “Greece is EU's pro-CCP faction.

As the EU is composed of different countries, the CCP visit to
Greece is to continue to divide the EU.

To buy over little brothers and reduce outside criticism of
the CCP. is its tactics for a united front.”

BBC China editor-in-chief Carrie Gracie’s article said, “for
Beijing’s high-level officials the crisis a government faces
the most is that no one would believe in it.”

Thirty years of rapid economic growth raised a generation
who never had a tough life and lack patience.

Will they be always loyal to the CCP?
No one dares to guarantee it.

Chinese scholar Jiang Youlu from France, “The CCP is trying
to influence Britain and pull Greece.”

It knows Britain’s position as part of the EU without using
the Euro.

The CCP may want to take advantage of this using its usual
tactics of using large orders to influence Western politicians.

Greece has added so much trouble to the EU.
I think the CCP definitely has ulterior motives.”

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/ZhongYuan