【禁聞】周建華舉報蘇榮被判死緩 律師上訪


北京「問天律師事務所」律師周澤,6月17號在微博打出「律師上訪」的醒目標題,他表示,他和李金星律師從隔天起將到全國律協、司法部、最高法、最高檢等部門,反映他們為原江西新余市人大常委會主任周建華做二審辯護時,被「江西高院」非法取消辯護資格,並被強行拖出法庭的問題。之前, 他們已書面向這些部門報告,至今沒有得到任何說法。
















Zhou Jianhua And Lawyers Suppressed For Reporting Su Rong

Following the detention and interrogation of Su Rong,
vice chairman of the National Committee of Chinese Political
Consultative Conference, old grievances nursed by him were
also brought to light.
Zhou Jianhua, former director of Municipal People's Congress
of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, received reprieved death
sentence in the first trial for reporting corruption case of Su Rong.

His son was also tried.

The two lawyers commissioned by Zhou Jianhua were deprived
of qualifications. They are now also petitioning the authorities.

On June 16, Attorney Zhou Ze of Beijing’s Wentian Law firm
issued a post, “Lawyers petition,” on Weibo.
He stated that he will visit the National Lawyers Association,
the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate
with attorney Lee Jinxing.

They will address the illegal conduct of Jiangxi High Court
in canceling their defense qualifications, and forcibly dragging
them out of the court during the second trial.

Their earlier complaint to the relevant departments had not
received any response.

Zhou Ze added, tiger Su (Su Rong) has been castrated,
for abusive act Jiangxi High Court should have been dealt with!

Zhou Ze had declined to comment.

Attorney Lee Jinxing told the reporter there is nothing further
to reveal. Any information will be issued to the Weibo.

According to Zhou Ze’s letter to the Supreme Court
and the Supreme Procuratorate, both attorneys had multiple
meetings with Zhou Jianhua.

In tears, Zhou Jianhua told his attorneys that he had been
retaliated and framed for his real name report on corruption
cases of Xinyu City Party Secretary Li Anze and Jiangxi
Provincial Party Secretary Su Rong.
He indicated more than 90% of the crimes indicted in the first
trial were either non-existing or false.
His confession of guilt was forced induction and fabrication
promoted by investigators.
He was faced with inhumane torture, physical and mental,
during 148 days of detention.

Zhou Jianhua's ex-wife Yao Minjian addressed the grievance
in May last year to the central inspection team.
Zhou Jianhua had reported in July 2011 about Su
Rong’s wife and Li Anze's involvment in collusion
over the Xinyu City Vocational College land project.

This real name report to the State Council and the Jiangxi
Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection resulted
in the retaliation and persecution of Zhou Jianhua.

Yao Minjian mentioned in the letter, during the detention,
Zhou Jianhua met a series of tortures: being kicked;
deprived of sleep; being forced to kneel on the floor with the
investigators standing on his legs imitating aircraft;
pushing his head down the toilet.

Zhou Jianhua had refused to collaborate with the investigators.

Investigators forced him to admit accepting more than ten
million yuan in bribes.
In order to force Zhou Jianhua to confess, the task force
arrested his son Zhou Dehao, and accused him of taking bribes
with his father’s influence.

Zhou Dehao’s defense attorney Wu Pengbin told NTD, several
hearings on Zhou Dehao's case have taken place since last
September, yet a verdict is still to come.

In May, the Supreme Court again approved the extension
of Zhou Dehao’s case for three months.

On June 14, Su Rong was accused of serious violation
of the law and the investigation is ongoing.
At this point in time, Zhou Dehao’s trial is delayed
while Zhou Jianhua's second trial is also currently awaiting

Wu Pengbin: "We don’t really know what caused the extension.
We only know the verdict is yet to be announced.
The trial period has expired at the local courts,
now the Supreme Court has approved extension for another
three months, from May 25 to August 25."

Wu Pengbin believes Zhou Dehao is innocent.

Those witnesses who testified have all overthrown their initial

Wu Pengbin: "Those transcripts from the witnesses were later
testified by the witnesses to be conducted under pressure."

Wu Pengbin had attended the case hearing of Zhou Jianhua.
He had many doubts about the case.

The second instance of Zhou Jianhua’s court hearing on May 26,
was conducted with an alternative lawyer as both attorneys
Zhou Ze and Lee Jinxing were deprived of the qualification
to defend.
According to people who attended the hearing, upon entering
the court room, Zhou Jianhua shouted, "Not guilty to report
Su Rong; Retaliation is wrong; The illegal trial is ineffectual;
The sinful evil doing!"

This case, claimed to involve "26 crimes" and a death penalty,
only took the court 24 minutes to conclude.

Interview & Edit/Qinxue