



台灣「立法院跨黨派國際人權促進會」會長尤美女:「台灣的前途當然是要台灣人民來決定,人民要讓張志軍能聽到這樣一個聲音。同時中國(共)的網軍也去癱瘓《蘋果日報》,所以要對他提出抗議。另外一個非常重要的,就是現在正在審理的所謂的兩岸監督條例,還沒有通過之前,他不應該讓兩邊去談任何一個協商或簽訂任何一個協議。但是因為馬政府不斷的阻止,所以造成了他所到之處爭議不斷、風波 不斷。」









採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/黎安安

Taiwanese Protesters Follow Zhang Zhijun Everywhere

Zhang Zhijun, China's director of Taiwan Affairs
visits Taiwan.It became a tour of “protests”.
Where ever he goes, the haunting protests follow.

People of Taiwan, student movement groups,
Taiwan Solidarity Union, and Falun Gong, demonstrate
their protests in relay to Zhang Zhijun.

On his second day in Taiwan, Zhang Zhijun participated
in a forum of cross-strait marriage and couples.
A group of students protesting outside with banners such as
“Taiwan's future is determined by 23 million Taiwanese”met
blockage from the police.

Also present are Falun Gong practitioners protesting outside
of the forum, reported Taiwan's media.

In the afternoon, a radical protest scene appeared on his way
to an aboriginal seminar in Wulai District, New Taipei City.
Student protesters blocked the traffic with iron chains wrapped
around their waists.
Police cut the chains and brought protestors and the organizer
Wei Yang to the police station for interrogation.

Mei-Nu Yu member of Taiwan's parliament:
"Taiwan's future is determined by the people of Taiwan.
People want Zhang Zhijun to hear their voices as well as their
protest against the Communist cyber attack in Hong Kong's
Apple Daily.
It is very important to let them know that before
cross-strait supervision and regulation is passed,
no negotiation or settlement of cross-strait issues
should be conducted.
However, Ma Ying-jeou's government has been interfering.
That's why where ever he goes, controversy will follow."

Zhang Zhijun also met with Li-luan Chu, Mayor of New Taipei
Hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated
with a peaceful petition on the sidelines.

Theresa Chu, Asia director of the Human Rights Law
Foundation in Taipei: "There are hundreds of thousands
of Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan.
When Communist regime officials visit Taiwan,
these Falun Gong practitioners will do two things.
One, if it is an official seriously involved in the persecution
of Falun Gong, we will file a lawsuit in court.
Second, if they stand for the CCP's attempt to form a
United Front and to poison the people of Taiwan,
Falun Gong practitioners will also not hesitate but
stand up and tell the CCP representatives:
Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong."

Falun Gong practitioners have been around since day one
when Zhang Zhijun arrived in Taiwan,
from the Taoyuan Airport to his hotel.

Theresa Chu indicates, the main theme of Falun Gong
practitioners' protest is to stop the bloody harvest
of Falun Gong practitioners' organs,
an evil crime never seen before on earth.
Zhang Zhijun and his followers, as well as the people
of Taiwan, will see the bloody facts of live organ harvesting
done by the CCP.

Theresa Chu: "I believe in his four days and three nights
of visit in Taiwan, Zhang Zhijun will be shocked
by democracy, and the freedom of Falun Gong practitioners
We want him to take this message to the central CCP:
Stop the Atrocities."

Zhang Zhijun went to Kaohsiung by Taiwan High
Speed Rail, on the 27th.
Arriving at 8:12 am, he was met with protesters from Taiwan
Solidarity Union and Falun Gong.
Student movement groups also protested at the railway station
with banners.

Zhang Zhijun met Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu at 9:15 am.

Nearly a hundred protesters and supporters were
on the sidelines waiting, holding banners, shouting slogans.

However, in stark contrast to Taiwan and international media
coverage, mainland media either avoided or ignored the protests.
Xinhua News Agency, China's state mouthpiece,
described the protests as "Taiwanese politicians follow
and harass."

Interview/zhuzhisan Edit/wangziqi Post-Production/lianan