【禁聞】笑侃中共高官落馬 李承鵬被封帳號























Li Chengpeng Celebrity Blogger Shut Down
For Comments on Officials’ Downfall?

Li Chengpeng is famous for being outspoken: netizens call
him “big eyes”.
On July 7, his microblog account was suddenly shut down,
arousing much speculation:
Was the regime suddenly angry or
was this pre-planned? What next?
Regarding the incident, state-run media the Global Times
published an article criticizing Li Chengpeng.
Li’s friends worried that this was a sign he would be sent to jail.

Li Chengpeng is a famous social affairs commentator,
writer and online opinion maker.
He uses a humorous style to point out current problems,
his articles are full of wisdom, and very outspoken.
Thus the regime often censors him.

What is the reason behind the incident?

Checking out Li’s previous comments on his blog,
we may find why the regime’s anger was triggered.

On June 30, Li posted a message, ridiculing the downfall of
four senior officials including Xu Caihou.
It happened just before the anniversary of the
Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) establishment.

Li wrote: “The performance has now changed from
new members joining the CCP together
to senior members being sent to jail together:
expelling Xu Caihou army boss;
Jang Jiemin boss of state assets;
Li Dongsheng boss of public security; and
Wang Yonchun boss of PetroChina.
When the World Cup quarter finals are over then the final starts.
The nation is looking forward to watching.”

On July 1, Li posted comments on his blog regarding
Xu Caihou and other officials’ dismissal.

Li wrote: “Who has promoted them?
Who has supervised them?
Who has encouraged them?
Who was also part of ‘them’?
If these problems are unclear, we are actually
constantly helping create ‘them’.”

Was Li’s expression regarding the downfall of “big Tigers”,
the cause of his account closure?

NTD Television contacted Li on July 9, he was sleeping to
get himself ready to watch the World Cup.
He seemed very calm.

Li Chengpeng: “I am sleeping, I will watch the World Cup.
Any questions, would you please read articles I commissioned
my friend to publish.

Li Jianmang, good friend of Li Chengpeng, and
Netherlands-based current affairs commentator says that
there was a sign of suppression of Li Chengpeng.
Earlier there was a black list, Li Chengpeng was on it.

Li Jianmang: “In recent months, you may notice, the regime
has suppressed Li Chengpeng.
During the Liu Han incident, the regime accused
Li Chengpeng of being Liu Han’s ally.
Then the regime involved Li in the Xinjiang Separatist scandal
and linked him with the June 4 Incident.
Certainly his account would be closed.”

Li Jianmang suggests it would be no good for the regime
to suppress Li Chengpeng.
Likely some internal factions are deliberately making trouble.

Li Jianmang: “I have noticed that some forces try their best to
separate the regime and academic circles.
It has happened to many online celebrities, such as He Weifang,
Yu Jianrong and more.
What was the purpose of it? It's unclear.
Because from the view of the regime,
it is very stupid to suppress these people.”

Li Jianmang says that it likely people in the Political and
Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) made trouble
Li Jianmang: “Everyone in PLAC is worrying
themselves about the situation.
There are many changes in the PLAC.
So it's very possible that they make trouble for each other.”

Li Jianmang observes that after village director Qan Yunhui
was killed, the CCP recognized online celebrities’ influence.
Thus the suppression was launched, this is a CCP tactic.

Li Jianmang: “Han Han is now completely quiet.
He Weifang almost withdrew the microblog,
Li Kaifu has disappeared.
Xu Manzi faced scandals.
Now only Li Chengpeng is still here.

He hasn’t been defeated, on the contrary, his followers,
and fans are increasing.
The CCP won’t let him continue.”

After the closure of Li Chengpeng’s account, the Global Times
published a commentary by a signed name Shan Renping.
It said that “Li Chengpeng style can’t be continued in China.
Once it breaks the bottom line, it will be restricted,
that’s a clear current situation.”

Some media revealed that Shan Renping
is the pen name of Hu Xijin Global Times’ editor-in-chief.

Li Jianmang worries that the man behind it all not only wants
Li Chengpeng’s account closed, but also wants him sent to jail.
The Global Times so-called “breaking the bottom line” is
giving a hint to take Li down.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan