【禁聞】強拆十字架持續 信徒流血事件不斷


21號凌晨3點左右,浙江溫州市平陽縣水頭鎮500 警力加消防、城管共600多人,再次突襲「救恩堂」。

據《自由亞洲電臺》報導,警方調動大型吊車、消防車、救護車,要強拆「救恩堂」十字架。守護在現場的信徒紛紛上前阻止,大批信徒聞訊趕到,近千人與警方爆發生衝突,警察動用了警棍打傷多人,4 人被打成重傷,送去溫州醫院搶救,其中2 人生命垂危。而由於信徒奮力頑抗,一個多小時後強拆人員無功而退。


中國大陸基督徒文小五﹕「它(中共當局)拿不出甚麼依據來拆我們教堂,現在我們每個地方的教堂就誓死捍衛著,不讓它拆! 宗教逼迫! 就是沒有任何手續,來打壓我們。」











採訪/陳漢 編輯/周平 後製/蕭宇

The Demolition of Crosses Continues

The Believers' Bloodshed Continues

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad" is the
ancient Greek historian's idea.
For today's China, it is still true.

There are frequent demolitions of church and cross in Zhejiang.

July 21 morning, the Zhejiang Kau Yan Church was suddenly
attacked by 600 hundred police, resulting in injury to
several believers who were guarding the church
and leaving two in a critical condition.

Believers asked the Chinese authorities, "Are you really mad?
How illegal is the cross?"

Look at the report.

July 21 3:00am, 600 people including 500 police, fire
protection and urban management suddenly attacked Kau
Yan church again at Zhejiang province Shuitou town.

According to a Radio Free Asia report, the police mobilized
large cranes, fire engines, ambulances, to break down Kau
Yan's cross.
The believers on the spot tried to stop them.
A large number of believers arrived after hearing the news.
Thousands of people conflict with the police.

The police used batons to injure several people; four people
seriously injured and hospitalized in Wenzhou hospital,
and 2 people dying.

The demolition staff failed and returned because of the believers' struggling for more than an hour.

In Shuitou town police tried to break down the cross in Kau
Yan church on July 12 and failed because the believers
struggled to resist.

Mainland believer Wen Xiaowu: "The Chinese authorities
have no reason for the demolition of the church.

All of our churches will defend to the death and refuse to
let them break down.
This is religious persecution with no right to suppress us. "

The other Christians in Zhejiang province Hangzhou, Yuhang
and Zhoushan are facing threat of demolition on churches and

Zan Aizong, former China Ocean News, Zhejiang, reporter:
The numbers who participate in Christian activities have
increased rapidly in the last 6 months.

The Communist Party wanted to suppress the Christian effect
due to jealousy and fear of losing its mass base.

They can't conquer the people after decades of
Communist Party rule.

The gap between rich and poor is getting bigger;
more social injustice is emerging.

It is verified by numbers that Marxism does not work in China.

A real government should strictly follow the law to protect the
cross not remove it."

The Sanjiang church in Oubei town was commended by the
Wenzhou government as a landmark last year.

This year, the local government has insisted on wrecking it.

It took only 3 weeks from the order to demolish on April 3rd
to final demolition on the 28th.

Wenzhou city, is known as "China's Jerusalem."
But this year, at least 300 church buildings or crosses were due for removal by the authorities in the name of "illegal construction".. Even those who are not required to automatically demolish thechurch, also were told: the cross on the church can not be lit at night .

Zhao Chu, a student of strategy wrote a book titled
"The Chinese religious war is being waged".

It said the majority of these churches and places of worship
were gradually built within the last 30 years.

The local government preferred to leave them alone,
although these facilities can not be built under current
regulations in the mainland.

Sun Wenguang, former Shandong University professor: "There is no change in the Chinese authorities' religious suppression
in 60 years.

Many churches and family churches were suppressed.

It is too much!"

Commentator Ren Baiming: "Sometimes they let monks
and nuns live together after they are dismantled.

They also change the traditional religion.

Demolition is combined with commercial interest.

It has a repressive effect to a certain extent.

Direct suppression was to detain and arrest people at the
time of the underground church movement."

Pastor Zhan Yingsheng, of Kau Yan church wrote
a farewell letter to defend the Cross at the church on July 16.

He decided to start fasting, and prayer to prepare for martyrdom.

Zhan Yingsheng said: some officials want to be above the law.
Their subordinates want to take credit to get promotion,
disregard the law and trample on the feelings of Christians.

They have Cross demolition races to see who can break down
more and quickly to be rewarded.

When I see them, my heart is bleeding.

In this letter, Zhan Yingsheng declared he might willingly join
the martyrs but not to commit suicide.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ZhouPin Post-Production/XiaoYu