




北京千人上訪 當局處置現異常





世維會:中共扣人質 逼18人自首





Shanghai Ladies' Hot Topic is Jiang Zemin Arrested

After the day of former Political Standing Committee Zhou
Yongkang's sack, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official inspection team stationed itself in Shanghai.

It explained to destroy the former CCP General Secretary
Jiang Zemin's nest.

Shanghai citizens started to discuss Jiang family's corruption
and Jiang Zemin's crimes after learning of the
inspection team's information.

They are expecting to take down Jiang Zemin.

According to the US Epoch Times report, even those
housewives who didn't pay attention to politics and the
residential security who never publicly discussed
politics are all discussing it.

People everywhere on the road, rail were scolding Jiang Zemin,
when he was in power, since he oppressed the people,
persecuted Falun Gong and committed various other crimes.

Shanghai lawyer Zheng Enchong said people dare to tell the
truth after Zhou Yongkang was sacked.

Thousands of Petitioners are Treated Abnormally in Beijing

August 11, the laid-off workers from mainland big four banks
and the non-local petitioners gathered on both road sides of the
State Letters and Complaints Bureau in Beijing for a new
round of petitions.

According to the mainland Minshengguancha website report,
from Beijing South Railway Station to the Complaints Bureau
and the four entrances of the subway station, the Beijing police
arranged police, police cars and the aerial camera.

They even replaced the subway tickets sales by police.

The petitioners said they even didn't know what had happened
because it was very nervous.

According to the mainland Human Rights Defenders website
report, the same day, the treatment to the petitioners from
the Division of Complaints and Appeal was abnormal.

A large number of petitioners were detained after sent to the
black jail in Beijing Jiujingzhuang; but not released after
registration as normal.

World Uyghur Congress: CCP Took Hostage to Push 18 People Surrender

Mainland media reported, as of August 9, 18 Uyghur suspects in
the July 28 Xinjiang Shache violence have surrendered.

According to overseas Uyghur organization WUC, told Radio
Free Asia, those people who surrendered got death threats from
the CCP by taking their family hostage.

WUC said the CCP's so-called surrender is a lie.

In addition, Xinjiang Tianshan website reported on the 11th, a
22-year-old Uyghur was detained on charges of spreading a
Shache incident rumor to overseas websites via software.

Mainland netizens commented that the behavior of the CCP's
message block is even worse than the individual's
so-called rumor.

WUC called on the CCP to stop the monopolistic report.

Edit/Zhou Yulin