【禁聞】北京戒備空前 警配爆裂彈

【新唐人2014年08月14日訊】北京戒備空前 警配爆裂彈














Beijing Arms Police With Lethal Shells

The 22th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Informal Leadership Meeting of 2014 is held in Beijing.
Beijing is on unprecedented high alert due to the fierce
infighting among the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
leadership and the tense mainland political situation.

According to mainland media reports on August 13, Beijing
police changed the alert level at the Beijing checkpoint to the
highest level with the 24-hour shift guard system checking
the vehicle and people who enter Beijing.
The on-site check station has 10 police instead of the original
6 plus two armed police guard.

It seems the armed guards are equipped with 95 automatic
rifles firing two burst shells.

This shell is more lethal than an ordinary bullet because it
may create shock and explosion after hitting the target.
In the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, the CCP military used the
same type of burst shell to kill unarmed students and civilians.

US Media: Chinese Enterprises' Overall Investment
Overseas Unsuccessful

China is heavily investing overseas.

Is the overseas investment paying off? Voice of America
reported about it on August 13.

According to vice president Wang Wenli of the China
Council for the Promotion of International Trade, China
has 80 billion investment in the US, in all industries.
The investment is unsuccessful with 90 percent losses.
These are including state-owned enterprises, the central
enterprises and local enterprises.

Wang Wenli said that Chinese overseas investment
was faced with all kinds of issues such as core
technology, assets evaluation, labor protection,
environmental protection, legal and other aspects.
Over the emission problem, Wang Wenli said, “China has
different standards from the other countries".
He said, "no matter how we renovate and restrict our
emissions, we still can't reach the standards of other countries."

Population Suffering Lead Poisoning
In Jiangxi Gangkou Town

On August 12, in Yiyang County, Jiangxi Province, Shangrao
City, the Gangkou town villagers mobbed Xingwang Industrial
Ltd company to protest at the environment pollution caused by
this company's lead recycling project.
This caused three quarters of the population to suffer through
the excessive lead pollution.

The villagers told our reporter there were thousands of
protestors that day.
The authorities suppressed them using several hundred special
police, resulting in 50 to 60 arrests and many injured.

Villagers said this factory has been established for
more than a year.
The exhaust gases and waste water every day pollute the
water and soil.
Villagers dare not drink the local water or eat the local
polluted plants making those living in the town panic.

Edit/Zhou Yulin